
Nikkaluokta parking and hotel.
Nikkaluokta is located in Sweden
Coordinates: 67°51′4″N 19°01′30″E / 67.85111°N 19.025°E / 67.85111; 19.025Coordinates: 67°51′4″N 19°01′30″E / 67.85111°N 19.025°E / 67.85111; 19.025
Country Sweden
Municipality Gällivare Municipality
County Norrbotten County
Province Lappland
Time zone CET (UTC+1)
 - Summer (DST) CEST (UTC+2)

Nikkaluokta is a Swedish Sami village in Norrbotten County. The village belongs to Gällivare Municipality, bordering Kiruna Municipality, the closest urban area some 60 kilometers away. In its vicinity lie two other Sami villages, Laevas and Girjas, who still herd semi-domesticated reindeer in the region.

Nikkaluokta has a mountain lodge, complete with a small grocery store and restaurant, a chapel, and, during the summer months, a commercial helicopter base. It is a popular starting point for several hiking and skiing trails in the Kebnekaise area, including the notable Kungsleden. On foot, it takes around five hours to travel the 19 kilometer distance between the two mountain lodges in Nikkaluokta and Kebnekaise.

Nikkaluokta is sited in the center of three valleys, where the tarmac road from Kiruna Municipality ends. To travel farther, you have to use trails and mountain paths of varying size and condition. Nikkaluokta Bay in Lake Ladtjojaure is also the starting point for the water route into scenic Vistas Valley.

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