

A Bisen-to is a kind of Japanese pole weapon (adopted from the Chinese Kwan-do/Guan dao) which greatly resembles a naginata. It consists of a thick curved blade mounted atop a long wooden pole. Much heavier than the naginata in construction, there is some accounts of it being used as a training weapon to improve one's naginatajutsu. The history of the weapon is a little obscure; the claim of the Kukishinden Ryu is that the weapon wasintroduced from China during the 5th century. This would make the weapon the most likely precursor to the naginata. Used in warfare as an anti-cavalry weapon, it would be used against both horse and rider.

Famous users

* Guan Yu
* Zhang Liao
* Edward "Whitebeard" Newgate (fictional)


*Hatsumi, Masaaki. "Ninjutsu: History and Tradition".

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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