- Library House
Infobox Company
company_name = The Library House Ltd
company_type =Private limited company
foundation = 2002
location = Head officeCambridge ,England
industry = Business information services
homepage = [http://www.libraryhouse.net/ www.libraryhouse.net]The Library House Ltd (Library House) is a business information and consulting company based in
Cambridge ,England , founded in 2002 byDoug Richard and John Snyder.Library House discovers, compares and monitors private high-growth companies throughout Europe as they progress through their lifecycle from initial investment to partnering, trade sale or public offering. Clients of Library House include UK, US and European investors; including
venture capital firm s,private equity firms andbusiness angel s; professional service providers, such as financial advisors, executive search, accountancy and law firms, and corporations.The company is associated with one of the world's largest business investment competitions which it runs annually in collaboration with the
East of England Development Agency (EEDA) [http://www.runningthegauntlet.com/ www.runningthegauntlet.com ]Free Research Reports
Library House produces free reports covering different areas of European venture backed business. Recent reports include:
* [http://www.libraryhouse.net/publications/downloads/CC07.pdf Cambridge Cluster Report 2007]
* [http://www.libraryhouse.net/publications/downloads/UKVBReport_finallowres.pdf UBS UK Venture-Backed Report 2007]
* [http://www.libraryhouse.net/publications/downloads/Cleantech_Goes_Mainstream_2007.pdf Cleantech Goes Mainstream]
* [http://www.libraryhouse.net/publications/downloads/MTSO_report_Mar2007.pdf Spinning Out Quality: University Spin-out companies in the UK]
* [http://www.libraryhouse.net/publications/downloads/london_tech.pdf London: Anchoring European Technology Investment] , commissioned by the g2i (gateway2investment).
* [http://www.libraryhouse.net/publications/downloads/cc06.pdf Cambridge Cluster Report 2006] , produced in association withBDO Stoy Hayward andWilmerHale . This is the third in the series of Cambridge Cluster reports and looks in detail at the innovation cluster in and around Cambridge (also known asSilicon Fen ).External links
Recently, the company's research has been cited frequently in national and international press:
22 August 2007 - The "Financial Times" - [http://search.ft.com/ftArticle?queryText=UK+trails+China+for+start-up+funding+venture+capital+2006+statistics&y=0&aje=true&x=0&id=070822000732&ct=0 UK Trails China for start-up venture capital]
*14 March 2007 - The "Financial Times" - [http://www.ft.com/cms/s/06e4bd68-d1d1-11db-b921-000b5df10621.html Universities fare best with spin-out help]
*13 March 2007 - The "Daily Telegraph" - [http://www.telegraph.co.uk/money/main.jhtml?xml=/money/2007/03/13/cbresearch13.xml UK equals US spin-out success]
*8 March 2007 - "The Guardian" - [http://money.guardian.co.uk/businessnews/story/0,,-2027801,00.html UK tech investments soar]
*15 February 2007 - "The Financial Times" - [http://www.ft.com/cms/s/68db2414-bc99-11db-9cbc-0000779e2340.html UK tops European venture capital deals]
*29 January 2007 - "The New York Times" - [http://www.nytimes.com/2007/01/23/business/worldbusiness/23venture.html?pagewanted=2 Europe Encouraging Clean Energy Industry]* [http://www.libraryhouse.net Website]
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