

Cantina is a word that can refer to various places and establishments. It is similar in etymology to "canteen", and is derived from the Italian word for a wine cellar, winery, or vault. [ [ cantina. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition. 2000 ] ] It is probably derived ultimately from the Late Latin "canto", meaning "corner". [ [ Online Etymology Dictionary ] ]

Cantinas are found in many towns of Italy. The cantina, being fresh and humid, is also used to store meat products such as salami. [ [ Salame di felino - Naso&Gola ] ]

The term "cantina" entered the French language circa 1710 as "cantine". It was used originally to refer to the shop of a sutler. From 1744, "cantine" acquired the meaning also of a "small tin for water or liquor, carried by soldiers on the march." The English language also uses the term "canteen" to refer to this type of flask.

Cantinas in the Spanish-Speaking World

It entered the Spanish language unchanged in spelling as "cantina" during the second half of the 16th century. "Cantina" was one of the foreign words that entered in from Renaissance Italy. During the 16th century, the Spanish Empire included large holdings in Italy. [ [ Hispania [Publicaciones periódicas. Volume 75, Number 2, May 1992 - Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes ] ] Luis de Bávia wrote in his "Tercera y Cuarta Parte de la Historia Pontifical y Católica" (1621): "Perdiéndose en las cantinas y lugares baxos [sic] gran número de mercaderías..." ("Losing itself in the cantinas and places of ill repute a large quantity of merchandise..."). ["Diccionario de Autoridades. Edición facsímil. A-C. Real Academia Española" (Madrid: Editorial Gredos, 1979), 125.]

The cantina features in one of the sonnets of Francisco de Quevedo (1580-1645). This is a quatrain from that sonnet:

:"Esta cantina revestida en faz;" :"esta vendimia en hábito soez;" :"este pellejo, que, con media nuez," :"queda con una cuba taz a taz." [ [ Sonetos de Quevedo - Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes ] ]

:"This wine-cellar covered with a face;":"this wine-harvest [clad] in filthy habit;":"this wine-skin, which, with just a sip,":"is happy to exchange it for a [whole] vat." ["Con media nuez" refers to the Adam's apple, thus making the meaning "just a sip" or "a quick swallow." "Habito" is a play on words (habit/custom; and tunic).]

In the 1890s, "cantina" entered American English from the Spanish language in the Southwest United States with the meaning of "bar, saloon." [ [ Online Etymology Dictionary ] ] The word "cantina" in the USA today is generally taken to mean simply a tavern with a Southwestern or Mexican motif that serves traditional alcoholic Mexican drinks.

In Spain today, the "cantina" refers to a bar located in a train station or any establishment located at or near a workplace where food and drinks are served.

In rural Mexico, "cantina" traditionally refers to a kind of bar that is normally frequented only by males for the purpose of imbibing alcohol and partaking of "botanas" (appetizers). They can often be distinguished by signs that expressly prohibit entrance to women ("mujeres") and children ("menores de edad"), as opposed to a "club", "salon de bailar" (dance hall), or "salon de mariachi" (typified by the Salon Tenampa, at the Plaza Garibaldi in Mexico City) which are intended for socializing between the sexes. [ [ Cantina ] ] Some of the traditional restrictions on entry to cantinas are beginning to fade away. However, in many areas it is still viewed as scandalous for proper ladies to be seen visiting a genuine "cantina". ["The People's Guide to Mexico" (Carl Franz, Avalon Travel Publishing)]

Use in Star Wars

The term "cantina" gained stronger exposure in the United States through filmmaker George Lucas. The word was appropriated to refer to the drinking establishments found in his fictional Star Wars universe, of which the most well-known (in the real world, as opposed to in-universe) is the Mos Eisley Cantina. In this cantina, Han Solo and Chewbacca meet Obi Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker for the first time (as seen in the 1977 film ""). In the Star Wars universe, cantinas vary considerably in quality and amenities available. At a minimum, drinks are served, but live bands and dancers such as Twi'lek slaves have been known to perform as well. [ Mos Eisley Cantina]] [ Cantina]]


ee also

*juke joint
*public house

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