CMD is a three-letter abbreviation that could mean, depending on context:
* A common abbreviation for command (especially used in a computer context)
* Canis Major Dwarf - galaxy orbiting the Milky Way.
* Cable Mágico Deportes, a Peruvian sports television network
* Catastrophe à moyens dépassé (French); "disaster without sufficient rescue means", see Orsec plan
* Center for Media and Democracy
* Central meridian distance
* Certified Medical Dosimetrist
* Chairman/Chairperson and Managing director of a company; a managing director who is also the chairman
* Conceptual Data Model, A conceptual schema, or conceptual data model, is a map of concepts and their relationships used when designing databases, for example, a conceptual schema for a karate studio would include abstractions such as student, belt, grading and tournament
* Congenital muscular dystrophy
* cmd.exe; the command line interpreter for OS/2 and Windows NT-based operating systems, or the CMD files which this interpreter uses
* The CMD file, an executable format used by CP/M-86.
* Creative Micro Designs; a computer hardware company
* California Micro Devices; a manufacturer of integrated circuits
* Cincinnati Mighty Ducks; a hockey team
* Communication & Multimedia Design; a College Course
* Common Metre Divided; a meter used in many hymns
* change main device; a computer command
* color-magnitude diagram; used in astronomy
* The Command key on Apple keyboards
* Cmd.xxxx - British government "Command Papers". The Cmd. designation ran from 1919-1956. eg Cmd.3362 is the Report on Health for 1929/1930, but Cmnd.3362 is the British Steel Report 1967.
* Camden Road railway station, England; National Rail station code CMD
* Color Me Badd - an American R&B/pop group
* Cystic medial degeneration

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  • CMD — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda CMD puede referirse a: Cable Mágico Deportes Centro Municipal de Distrito Tecla Comando, de los teclados para ordenadores Mac Véase también Cmd (Windows) y su antecesor Obtenido de CMD Categorías:… …   Wikipedia Español

  • CMD — case management discussions (CMDs) Known as Directions Hearings until 1 October 2004. CMDs are hearings held by an employment tribunal to deal with the future conduct and progress of a claim, or to address specific issues such as disclosure or… …   Law dictionary

  • Cmd — может означать: cmd.exe  интерпретатор командной строки в некоторых операционных средах. .cmd  расширение пакетных файлов в некоторых операционных средах. Cmd  служебная клавиша на клавиатуре компьютеров Macintosh. «Creative Micro… …   Википедия

  • Cmd — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. CMD est un sigle composé des trois lettres C, M et D, pouvant signifier : commande informatique, un interpréteur de commandes, catastrophe à moyens… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • cmd — cmd; CMD; …   English syllables

  • cmd — abbrev. command * * * …   Universalium

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  • .cmd —   [von engl. Command, dt. »Anweisung«], unter OS/2 die Dateierweiterung für eine Stapeldatei …   Universal-Lexikon

  • cmd — abbrev. command …   English World dictionary

  • CMD — Die Abkürzung CMD steht für: change main device, ein Computerbefehl cmd.exe, ein DOS kompatibler Kommandozeileninterpreter Communication and Multimediadesign, ein internationaler Studiengang an der FH Aachen Congenital Muscular Dystrophy, engl… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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