Matsudono Moroie

Matsudono Moroie

Matsudono Moroie (松殿 師家?, July 12, 1172 - November 11, 1238), third son of Matsudono Motofusa, was a kugyo (high-ranking Japanese official) from the late Heian period to the early Kamakura period. Regent Fujiwara no Tadataka and Buddhist monks Gyōi and Jituson are his stepbrothers.

Though he was not first-born, in 1179 at age of 8 he was promoted to gon-chunagon, one of Daijō-kan due to the political tension between Emperor Go-Shirakawa and Taira no Kiyomori. However, this caused backlash from Kiyomori, leading to the Jisho coup in the same year.

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