- Lise Myhre
Lise Myhre (born
1 November 1975 ) is a Norwegian cartoonist. Her most famous cartoon is "Nemi".After a short study of graphical design at the
Santa Monica College of Art inCalifornia , Lise Myhre started her career as an artist, earning money illustrating CD covers and t-shirts. She also participated in cartoon competitions and started giving contributions to "Larsons Gale Verden", the Norwegian version ofGary Larson 's magazine "The Far Side " ("M.P." in 1996).From 1997, Myhre was given her own page in "Larsons Gale Verden", "Den svarte siden" ( _en. the Black Side/Page), and this developed into Nemi.From 1999, Nemi was a guest cartoon in the Norwegian newspaper "
Dagbladet ", and from 2000 as a regular. The first Nemi album was published the summer 2000, and it was a great success. Since Myhre changed publisher, fromBladkompaniet toEgmont , in January 2003, there is a new Nemi magazine published every 6 weeks.Nemi, with a circulation of more than 70,000 copies, is now one the two most popular cartoons in Norway, next to "
Pondus ".Nemi is today published in approximately 60 different newpapers, magazines and websites in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, England and Scotland. Amongst these, the "Metro" (in England and Scotland), "
Dagens Nyheter " (Sweden), "Ilta-Sanomat " (Finland) and "Dagbladet " (Norway) are the biggest.Lise Myhre has also illustrated poems by
Edgar Allan Poe andAndré Bjerke .She is engaged to musician
ICS Vortex (Simen Hestnæs), and they have a son, Storm, born 2007.External links
* [http://www.metro.co.uk/nemi "Nemi" in Metro.co.uk]
* [http://nemi.thtn.com/ "The Nemi Translation Base" - An Unofficial Fan Site]
* [http://www.avistegnerne.no/utstilling/nemi1.html Article on Nemi] no icon
* [http://spray.nettavisen.no/kultur/tegneserie/nemi/ "Nemi" in the online newspaper "Spray"] no icon
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