Souradyuti Paul

Souradyuti Paul

Souradyuti Paul is an Indian cryptologist (PhD, 2006, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium). He took part in cryptanalysis of the following ciphers among others.

* RC4
* Helix
* Py
* Py6
* TPy
* TPy6
* Pypy
* TPypy

His other contributions (with Bart Preneel) include

* solving differential equations of addition
* proving a combinatorial problem (conjectured by Itsik Mantin and Adi Shamir) related to the number of inputs and outputs of the stream cipher RC4.

He also participated in design of the following ciphers

* RC4A (see references for a paper by Alexander Maximov for cryptanalytic attacks against it)
* RCR-32, RCR-64


* Souradyuti Paul and Bart Preneel, Solving Systems of Differential Equations of Addition, ACISP 2005. [ Full version] (PDF)
* Souradyuti Paul and Bart Preneel, Near Optimal Algorithms for Solving Differential Equations of Addition With Batch Queries, Indocrypt 2005. [ Full version] (PDF)
* Souradyuti Paul and Bart Preneel, Analysis of Non-fortuitous Predictive States of the RC4 Keystream Generator. INDOCRYPT 2003, pp52 – 67 [ (PDF)] .
* Souradyuti Paul and Bart Preneel, A New Weakness in the RC4 Keystream Generator and an Approach to Improve the Security of the Cipher. Fast Software Encryption - FSE 2004, pp245 – 259 [ (PDF)] .
* Gautham Sekar,Souradyuti Paul,Bart Preneel, [ Related-key Attacks on the Py-family of Ciphers and an Approach to Repair the Weaknesses] , Indocrypt 2007.
* Alexander Maximov, Two Linear Distinguishing Attacks on VMPC and RC4A and Weakness of RC4 Family of Stream Ciphers. FSE 2005: 342-358

External links

* [ Souradyuti Paul's homepage at the Catholic University of Leuven]
* [ Souradyuti Paul's weblog addressing computer security related issues]
* [ Souradyuti Paul's Crypto Lounge Entry]

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