- Super-Poincare algebra
theoretical physics , a super-Poincaré algebra is an extension of thePoincaré algebra to incorporatesupersymmetry , a relation betweenboson s andfermion s. They are examples ofsupersymmetry algebra s, and hence areLie superalgebra . Thus a super-Poincaré algebra is a Z2 graded vector space with a graded Lie bracket such that the even part is aLie algebra containing the Poincaré algebra, and the odd part is built fromspinor s on which there is an anticommutation relation with values in the even part.The simplest supersymmetric extension of the Poincaré algebra contains two
Weyl spinor s with the following anti-commutation relation::Q_{alpha}, ar Q_{dot{eta} = 2{sigma^mu}_{alphadot{etaP_mu and all other anti-commutation relations between the "Q"s and "P"s vanish. In the above expression P_mu are the generators of translation and sigma^mu are thePauli matrices .SUSY in 3 + 1 Minkowski spacetime
In 3+1 Minkowski spacetime, the
Haag-Lopuszanski-Sohnius theorem states that the SUSY algebra with "N" spinor generators is as follows.The even part of the
star Lie superalgebra is the direct sum of thePoincaré algebra and areductive Lie algebra "B" (such that its self-adjoint part is the tangent space of a real compact Lie group). The odd part of the algebra would be :left(frac{1}{2},0 ight)otimes Voplusleft(0,frac{1}{2} ight)otimes V^*where 1/2,0) and 0,1/2) are specific representations of the Poincaré algebra. Both components are conjugate to each other under the * conjugation. "V" is an "N"-dimensional complex representation of "B" and "V"* is itsdual representation . The Lie bracket for the odd part is given by a symmetricequivariant pairing {.,.} on the odd part with values in the even part. In particular, its reduced intertwiner from frac{1}{2},0)otimes V] otimes [(0,frac{1}{2})otimes V^*] to theideal of the Poincaré algebra generated by translations is given as the product of a nonzero intertwiner from frac{1}{2},0)otimes(0,frac{1}{2}) to (1/2,1/2). The "contraction intertwiner" from Votimes V^* to thetrivial representation and the reduced intertwiner from frac{1}{2},0)otimes V] otimes [(frac{1}{2},0)otimes V] is the product of a (antisymmetric) intertwiner from (1/2,0) squared to (0,0) and an antisymmetric intertwiner "A" from N^2 to "B". * conjugate it to get the corresponding case for the other half.
= "N" = 1 ="B" is now u(1) (called R-symmetry) and "V" is the 1D representation of u(1) with "charge" 1. "A" (the intertwiner defined above) would have to be zero since it is antisymmetric.
Actually, there are two versions of "N=1" SUSY, one without the u(1) (i.e. "B" is zero dimensional) and the other with u(1).
= "N" = 2 ="B" is now su(2)oplus u(1) and "V" is the 2D doublet representation of su(2) with a zero u(1) "charge". Now, "A" is a nonzero intertwiner to the u(1) part of "B".
Alternatively, "V" could be a 2D doublet with a nonzero u(1) "charge". In this case, "A" would have to be zero.
Yet another possibility would be to let "B" be u(1)_Aoplus u(1)_B oplus u(1)_C. "V" is invariant under u(1)_B and u(1)_C and decomposes into a 1D rep with u(1)_A charge 1 and another 1D rep with charge -1. The intertwiner "A" would be complex with the real part mapping to u(1)_B and the imaginary part mapping to u(1)_C.
Or we could have "B" being su(2)oplus u(1)_Aoplus u(1)_B with "V" being the doublet rep of su(2) with zero u(1) charges and "A" being a complex intertwiner with the real part mapping to u(1)_A and the imaginary part to u(1)_B.
This doesn't even exhaust all the possibilities. We see that there is more than one N=2 supersymmetry; likewise, the SUSYs for N > 2 are also not unique (in fact, it only gets worse).
= "N" = 3 =It is theoretically allowed, but the multiplet structure becomes automatically the same withthat of an "N"=4 supersymmetric theory. So it is less often discussed compared to "N"=1,2,4 versions.
= "N" = 4 =This is the maximal number of supercharges in a theory without gravity.
USY in various dimensions
In 0+1, 2+1, 3+1, 4+1, 6+1, 7+1, 8+1, 10+1 dimensions, etc., a SUSY algebra is classified by a positive integer N.
In 1+1, 5+1, 9+1 dimensions, etc., a SUSY algebra is classified by two nonnegative integers (M,N), at least one of which is nonzero. M represents the number of left handed SUSYs and N represents the number of right handed SUSYs.
The reason of this has to do with the reality conditions of the
spinor s.Hereafter d=9 means d=8+1 in Minkowski signature, etc.The structure of supersymmetry algebra is mainly determined by the number of the fermionic generators,that is the number N times the real dimension of the spinor in "d" dimensions. It is because one can obtain a supersymmetry algebra of lower dimension easily fromthat of higher dimensionality by the use of dimensional reduction.
= d=11 =The only example is the N=1 supersymmetry with 32 supercharges.
= d=10 =From d=11, N=1 susy, one obtains N=(1,1) nonchiral susy algebra, which is also calledthe type IIA supersymmetry. There is also N=(2,0) susy algebra, which is called the type IIB supersymmetry.Both of them have 32 supercharges.
N=(1,0) susy algebra with 16 supercharges is the minimal susy algebra in 10 dimensions.It is also called the type I supersymmetry. Type IIA / IIB / I
Superstring theory has the susy algebra of the corresponding name. The supersymmetry algebra for the heterotic superstrings is that of type I .
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