- Pure spinor
In a field of
mathematics known asrepresentation theory pure spinors arespinor representations of thespecial orthogonal group that are annihilated by the largest possiblesubspace of theClifford algebra . They were introduced byElie Cartan in the 1930's to classifycomplex structure s. Pure spinors were introduced into the realm of theoretical physics, and elevated in their importance in the study of spin geometry more generally, byRoger Penrose in the 1960's, where they became among the basic objects of study intwistor theory .Definition
Consider a complex
vector space C2"n" with evencomplex dimension "2n" and aquadratic form "Q", which maps a vector "v" to complex number "Q(v)". TheClifford algebra Cliff2n is the ring generated by products of vectors in C2"n" subject to the relation:v^2=Q(v).
Spinor s are modules of the Clifford algebra, and so in particular there is an action of C2n on the space of spinors. The subset of C2"n" that annihilates a given spinor ψ is a complex subspace C"m". If ψ is nonzero then "m" is less than or equal to "n". If "m" is equal to "n" then ψ is said to be a "pure spinor".The set of pure spinors
Every pure spinor is annihilated by a half-dimensional subspace of "C"2n. Conversely given a half-dimensional subspace it is possible to determine the pure spinor that it annihilates up to multiplication by a complex number. Pure spinors defined up to complex multiplication are called projective pure spinors. The space of projective pure spinors is the
homogeneous space :SO("2n")/U("n").
Not all spinors are pure. In general pure spinors may be separated from impure spinors via a series of
quadratic equation s called pure spinorconstraint s. However in 6 or less real dimensions all spinors are pure. In 8 dimensions there is, projectively, a single pure spinor constraint. In 10 dimensions, the case relevant forsuperstring theory , there are 10 constraints:psiGamma^{mu}psi = 0.,
where Γμ are the
gamma matrices , which represent the vectors C2n that generate the Clifford algebra. In general there are:2n choose n - 4}
Pure spinors in string theory
Recently pure spinors have attracted attention in
string theory . In the year 2000Nathan Berkovits , professor at [http://www.ift.unesp.br/ Instituto de Fisica Teorica] in São Paulo-Brazil introduced thepure spinor formalism in his paper [http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/hep-th/0001035 Super-Poincare covariant quantization of the superstring] . This formalism is the only knownquantization of thesuperstring which is manifestlycovariant with respect to bothspacetime and worldsheetsupersymmetry . In 2002Nigel Hitchin introducedgeneralized Calabi-Yau manifold s in his paper [http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/math.DG/0209099 Generalized Calabi-Yau manifolds] , where thegeneralized complex structure is defined by a pure spinor. These spaces describe the geometries offlux compactification s in string theory.References
* Cartan, Élie. "Lecons sur la Theorie des Spineurs," Paris, Hermann (1937).
* Chevalley, Claude. "The algebraic theory of spinors and Clifford Algebras. Collected Works". Springer Verlag (1996).
* Charlton, Philip. [http://csusap.csu.edu.au/~pcharlto/charlton_thesis.pdf The geometry of pure spinors, with applications] , PhD thesis (1997).
* [http://xstructure.inr.ac.ru/x-bin/theme2.py?arxiv=hep-th&level=2&index1=5751497 Pure spinor on arxiv.org]
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