Abul-Hasan al-Hasan ibn Ali
- Abul-Hasan al-Hasan ibn Ali
Abul-Hasan al-Hasan ibn Ali (alternatly known as "Al-Hassan ibn Ziri") (d. 1171) was the last ruler of the Zirid's in Ifriqiya 1121-1152. He succeeded Ali ibn Yahya.
Under his reign, piracy became an important source of income, although in turn this destabilised the relationships to the Christian maritime cultures.
In order to secure trade in the Mediterranean he was forced to accept dependence on the Norman controlled Sicily. Between 1146 and 1148 the Zirid realm fell,and Abul-Hasan lost all regions except for Algier, until this fell also this time to the Almohad dynasty, or Moors.
Abdul-Hasan lived in Marrakech until his death, even gaining some power of Governance over al-Mahdiya.
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