Mae Capone

Mae Capone

Mae Coughlin Capone (April 11, 1897 – April 16, 1986), aka Josephine, was the widow of Al Capone.

Mae Coughlin was born in New York City to Irish parents Michael Coughlin and Bridget Gorman. She had four sisters and two brothers. Mae Capone was raised in the Carroll Gardens section of Brooklyn, New York, USA.

She was two years older than her husband, and they did not marry until after she gave birth to their only child, Albert Francis Capone ("Sonny Capone"). After she married Al Capone, she lived in Amityville, Long Island. She is known for having traded illegal moonshine.[citation needed]

She died aged 89 on April 16, 1986 at the Hollywood Hills retirement home in Hollywood, Florida.


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