

name = Glyphiolobinae
fossil_range =

image_width =
image_caption =
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Mollusca
classis = Cephalopoda
subclassis = Ammonoidea
ordo = Goniatitida
subordo = Goniatitina
superfamilia = Dimorphocerataceae
familia = Dimorphoceratidae
subfamilia = Glyphiolobinae
genus = "Anthracoceratites"
genus_authority =
subdivision_ranks =
subdivision =

"Anthracoceratites" is an extinct genus belonging to the of the Dimorphoceratidae family. They are an extinct group of ammonoid, which are shelled cephalopods related to squids, belemnites, octopi, and cuttlefish, and more distantly to the nautiloids.


* [ The Paleobiology Database] accessed on 10/01/07

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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