- Intergalactic Touring Band
The Intergalactic Touring Band (IGTB) was not an actual
music group but rather ascience fiction pop music concept album released in1977 by the now defunctPassport Records . The ensemble album featured many star performers fromprogressive rock and other genres, includingMeat Loaf ,Ben E. King ,Larry Fast (Synergy ), Percy Jones,Annie Haslam ,Rod Argent ,Peppi Marchello (Good Rats ) [While credited as "Pepe Marchello" on the album, the correct spelling is "Peppi" as shown on theGood Rats website: http://www.goodrats.com/peppi.htm] , and many others. The songs are loosely held together by an epic theme of multi-generational space travel and humanspace colonization .Fictional Band Members
Hope Larson - Lase Keyboard Panel Ixol Phaane - Computerized Keyboard Synthesis Justice Conrad - Globe Lase Base Krys - Holographic Percussion Raif Reed - Lase Guitar
List of Songs and Performers
Approach (Overture)Members of the
London Symphony Orchestra Conducted byHarry Rabinowitz
Orchestral Arrangement byWil Malone Synthesizer s &Mellotron -Larry Fast Silver Lady
Lead Vocal-Rod Argent
Acoustic andElectric Guitar s-David Scance
Fender Bass-Peter Sobel
Keyboards-Brian Cuomo Drum s &Percussion -Paul Marchetti Synthesizer s,Mellotron &Vocoder -Larry Fast EffectVocal -Irene Conrad Silver LadyVocal -Marge Raymond GroupVocal s-Joel Krantz ,Frank D'Agostino ,Shelley Thompson ,David Scance ,Marty Scott ,Peter Sobel
Orchestral Arrangement-Wil Malone andStephan Galfas Universal Zoo/Why
Lead Vocal-"Universal Zoo"-Arthur Brown
Lead Vocal-"Why"-Joel Krantz Electric Guitar s-David Scance
Fender Bass-Peter Sobel Fretless Bass on "Why"-Percy Jones
Keyboards-Brian Cuomo Drum s &Percussion -Paul Marchetti Primitive Percussion -Paul Marchetti ,Marty Scott ,Peter Sobel Synthesizer s &Vocoder -Larry Fast GroupVocal s-Joel Krantz ,Frank D'Agostino ,Shelley Thompson AdditionalVocal s-Marty Scott ,Peter Sobel ,Bill Guerra
Orchestral Arrangement-Danny Beckerman Effects Vocal -"The Boss "Starship Jingle
Lead Vocal-Pepe Marchello
Electric &Acoustic Guitar s-David Scance ElectricAutoharp -Marty Scott
Fender Bass-Peter Sobel
Keyboards-Brian Cuomo Drum s &Percussion -Paul Marchetti Synthesizer s-Larry Fast Flute s-John Zangrando Group Vocals -Joel Krantz ,Frank D'Agostino ,Shelley Thompson Preparedeffects -Larry Fast ,Marty Scott ,Peter Sobel
Orchestral Arrangement-Wil Malone ,Stephan Galfas Heartbreaker
Lead Vocal-Dave Cousins
Electric &Acoustic Guitar s-David Scance
Bass-Peter Sobel
Keyboards-Brian Cuomo Drum s &Percussion -Paul Marchetti Synthesizer s-Larry Fast Flute s-John Zangrando Group Vocals -Joel Krantz ,Frank D'Agostino ,Shelley Thompson
Orchestral Arrangement-David Bedford ,Stephan Galfas Reaching Out
Lead Vocal-Annie Haslam Members of theLondon Symphony Orchestra Conducted byHarry Rabinowitz
Orchestral Arrangement byWil Malone
Acoustic Guitars-Anthony Phillips andPeter Sobel Drum s &Percussion -Paul Marchetti Tympani -Mighty Young Joe Intile, B. E. First Landing
Lead Vocal-Steve Barth
Electric & Acoustic Guitars-David Scance
Bass-Frank Prescod andPeter Sobel
Keyboards-Brian Cuomo Drum s &Percussion -Paul Marchetti AdditionalPercussion -Mighty Young Joe Intile, B. E. Synthesizer s-Larry Fast
Orchestral Arrangement-Wil Malone andDanny Beckerman Group Vocals -Joel Krantz ,Frank D'Agostino ,Shelley Thompson AdditionalVocals -ThePassport Munchkins Space Commando
Lead Vocal-Mr. Snips
Electric &Acoustic Guitar s-David Scance
Bass-Peter Sobel
Keyboards-Brian Cuomo Drum s &Percussion -Paul Marchetti AdditionalPercussion -Marty Scott Synthesizer s-Larry Fast
Orchestral Arrangement-David Bedford &Stephan Galfas Group Vocals -Joel Krantz ,Frank D'Agostino ,Shelley Thompson Robot Salesman
Lead Vocal-Jim Cuomo
Electric &Acoustic Guitar s-David Scance Electric Guitar -Ryche Chlanda
Acoustic Guitars-Peter Sobel
Bass-Frank Prescod Drum s &Percussion -Paul Marchetti Synthesizer s,Mellotron &Vocoder -Larry Fast
Orchestral Arrangement-Stephan Galfas &Brian Cuomo Love Station
Lead Vocal-Ben E. King Electric Guitars -John Tropea
Bass-Frank Prescod
Keyboards-Brian Cuomo Drum s &Percussion -Paul Marchetti AdditionalPercussion -Peter Sobel Synthesizer s-Larry Fast Sax Solo -Clarence Clemons Guitar Solo -John Tropea
Orchestral Arrangement-David Bedford ,Stephan Galfas &Brian Cuomo Background Vocals -Janis Pendarvis &Friends A Planet Called Monday/Epilogue
Lead Vocal-"A Planet Called Monday"-Francis Rossi Lead Vocal -"Epilogue"-Jeffrey Leynor Drum s &Percussion -Paul Marchetti Synthesizer s-Larry Fast Group Vocals -Joel Krantz ,Frank D'Agostino ,Shelley Thompson ,David Scance
Orchestral Arrangement-Danny Beckerman Electric Guitars -David Scance
Bass-Peter Sobel
Keyboards-Brian Cuomo Keeper Keep Us
Lead Vocal-Meat Loaf
Electric &Acoustic Guitar s-David Scance
Acoustic Guitars & Bass-Peter Sobel Fretless Bass -Percy Jones
Keyboards-Brian Cuomo Drum s &Percussion -Paul Marchetti Synthesizer s-Larry Fast Group Vocals -Joel Krantz ,Frank D'Agostino ,Shelley Thompson
Orchestral Arrangement-Wil Malone External links
* Steve Douglas Huddleston's IGTB Tribute Site: http://www.kongaloid.org/igtb/igtb.html
* SciFi.com Review: http://www.scifi.com/sfw/issue325/sound.html
* Tentative Review: http://www.tranglos.com/marek/yes/tr_84.html
* Song samples at eMusic: http://www.emusic.com/album/10859/10859940.html
* MP3 Sample of "Keeper Keep Us" at Meat Loaf Lyrics Site: http://website.lineone.net/~arands/index.htm/Keeperkeepus.htmNotes
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