

A straight-14 engine is a straight engine with fourteen cylinders. A straight-14 is a very long engine, and therefore only used for large ships.

The only engine of this type known to have been built is a member of the Wärtsilä-Sulzer RTA96-C family. It is a huge 2-stroke Diesel unit for use in container ships. The engine became well-known due to photos taken at the Aioi Works in Japan and spread through blogs.

The 14-cylinder version of this modular engine displaces 25,480 L (1,556,002 in³) with a 38 in (.965 m) bore and 98 in (2.5 m) stroke. The engine is 89 ft (27.1 m) long, 44 ft (13.4 m) high, and weighs 2,300 tonnes (2 300 000 kg). Power output is 108,920 hp (80,080 kW) at 102 rpm. It also produces 5,608,312 ft.lbf (7,603,749 Nm) of torque at that speed.

If built, the 14-cylinder variant of the MAN B&W K108ME-C would be even larger at nearly 33 meters long, and over 2,800 tonnes, and more powerful at 136,000 hp (97,300 kW).

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