- Albert Brigance
Albert H. Brigance is an author and nationally-recognized special education resource specialist residing in
Tennessee .In 1975-1978 Brigance created the first comprehensive criterion referenced Inventory of Basic Skills that soon became the most widely used instrument for assessment evaluation, student academic placement, Individual Educational Plans (IEPs), and instructional planning.
Subsequent instruments include a series of early childhood screening instruments, and other inventories for individuals from birth through secondary levels of education. Recent revisions of the screens and inventories have included standardized, normed assessments, and online data management services from publisher, Curriculum Associates, Inc.
* [http://www.readinghorizons.com/common/peach.aspx Effectiveness of Phonics for an Intensive Remedial Program] Suzanne Cobb, Charles Bonds, Walter Peach, Doris E. Kennedy. Georgia Southern College. READING IMPROVEMENT Volume 27, Number 3, Fall 1990.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.