Battle of Wippedesfleot

Battle of Wippedesfleot

The Battle of Wippedesfleot in 466 was a battle between the Saxons led by Hengest and the post-Roman Britons. It is described in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle thus:-:"465: Her Hengest 7 Æsc gefuhton uuiþ Walas neah Wippedesfleote 7 þær .xii. wilisce aldormenn ofslogon, 7 hiera þegn an þær wearþ ofslægen, þam wæs noma Wipped.":465: Here Hengest and Æsc fought together against Welsh (= Britons) near Wippedesfleot and there slew 12 Welsh leaders, and one of their thanes was slain, whose name was Wipped.This battle is said to have resulted in much bloodshed and slaughter on both sides, to the extent that hostilities abated for a while thereafter. Some historians believe in a Saxon victory, but that is not what is mentioned in the text. The limited number of casualties is an indication that the battle was a minor one. The number of "warriors" involved must not have reached 200 men.

Wippedesfleot is thought to be Ebbsfleet in Kent, near Ramsgate. Its location made the author of Historia Brittonum [Nennius] to think that all Saxons had now been driven out of Britain. Ramsgate is the main place upon the former peninsula of Thanet, "which was given to the Saxons by Vortigern". It was the very place [Nennius] were the Saxons first landed.

Gildas does not mention the battle.


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