- 5th century in England
Events from the
5th century inEngland .Events
* 401
**Stilicho withdraws troops from Britain, and abandons forts on theYorkshire coast.
* 402
** Last issue of Romancoin age in Britain.
* 405
**Niall of the Nine Hostages leads Irish raids along the south coast.
* 407
** Army in Britain proclaims Constantine III as Emperor.
* 409
** Army rebels against Constantine.
**Saxons raid Britain.
* 410
** Emperor Honorius recalls the last legions from Britain.
* 429
** The Pope sendsSaint Germanus to Britain, who defeats the Pelagians in public debate.
**Vortigern allows Anglo-Saxon mercenaries to settle onThanet .
**Fastidius completes his work "On the Christian Life".
* 433
** The Britons call theAngles to come and help them asmercenaries against thePict s.
* 446
** The "Groans of the Britons ": Britons appeal (possibly to theConsul Aetius) for the Roman army to come back to Britain.
* 447
** Saint Germanus returns to Britain, and exiles the Pelagians.
* c.450
**Hengest founds theKingdom of Kent .
* 455
**Battle of Aylesford : Hengest andHorsa defeat Vortigern, although Horsa dies in the battle.
* 457
**Battle of Crayford : Hengest & Æsc defeat the Britons, driving them from Kent.
* 466
**Battle of Wippedesfleot : Hengest and Æsc again defeat an army of the Britons.
* 473
** Hengest and Æsc fight against the Britons.
* 477
** Ælle lands atSelsey , and founds theKingdom of Sussex .
* 485
** Ælle fights against the Britons near the margin of Mearcræd's stream.
* 491
** Ælle and his son Cissa besiegePevensey , and kill all the Britons there."Anglo-Saxon Chronicle "]
* 495
** Cerdic, later the first King ofWessex , lands atSouthampton .cite book |last=Palmer |first=Alan & Veronica |year=1992 |title= The Chronology of British History|publisher= Century Ltd|location=London|pages= 24-26|isbn= 0-7126-5616-2]
* c.500
**Battle of Mons Badonicus : Britons defeat advancing Saxons, and retain control of the north and west. (Exact year uncertain).References
ee Also
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