- Klassekampen
"Klassekampen" ( _en. The Class Struggle), is a Norwegian daily newspaper, which styles itself as "the daily left-wing newspaper". It had a circulation of 11,386 in 2007, [mediebedriftene.no PDFlink|1= [http://www.mediebedriftene.no/index.asp?id=78261&open=78261] |2=36.7 KB no_icon] and a readership of 50,000 on week days and estimated 90,000 readers on Saturdays. [ [http://www.klassekampen.no/annonser/statistikk "Klassekampen" statistics] - from Klassekampen's official site no icon]
"Klassekampen" was founded in the 1969 with a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist platform. Until recently, it was owned by The Workers' Communist Party, which has maintained a minority stake in the corporation which today publishes the newspaper.
Bjørgulv Braanen has been the editor of Klassekampen since 2002, succeedingJon Michelet .Among its staff are
Anders Horn ,Hans Petter Sjøli ,Alf Skjeseth andAli Esbati . Weekly columnists includePaul Bjerke ,Arild Rønsen andDag Seierstad , and cartoonistsHallvard Skauge contributes on Saturdays. On Saturdays the newspaper features a book magazine. Editors of this section have beenBendik Wold (2006-2008) and Karin Haugen (2008-present).ee also
List of Norwegian newspapers References
External links
* [http://www.klassekampen.no/ "Klassekampen"] no_icon
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