The Simple API for Grid Applications (SAGA), is an open standard defined and maintained by the Open Grid Forum that describes an interface for high-level Grid application programming.


The SAGA API does not strive to replace Globus or similar Grid middleware systems, and does not target middleware developers, but solely application developers with no assumed background on Grid Computing who wish to Grid enable their applications whilst spending as little time as possible learning new paradigms. Such developers typically wish to devote their time to their own goals and minimize the time spent coding infrastructure functionality. The API insulates application developers from middleware.

The specification of services, and the protocols to interact with them, is out of the scope of SAGA. Rather, the API seeks to hide the detail of any service infrastructures that may or may not be used to implement the functionality that the application developer needs. The API alignes, however, with all middleware standards within OGF.

The SAGA API is designed to be extensible: a well defined mechanism exists to specify additional API "packages" which expand the scope of the API as needed. The SAGA Core API itself defines a number of packages: job management, file management, replica management, remote procedure calls, and streams. A large part of the SAGA Core API specification


SAGA is being standardized by the Open Grid Forum. In fact, SAGA is ultimately a set of OGF documents.

* SAGA Use Cases: an experimental OGF document describing the target use cases for SAGA.
* SAGA Requirement Analysis: another experimental OGF document which extracts specific requirements from the use case document.
* The SAGA Core API Specification: the basis of the standard, defines the Look and Feel of the SAGA API.
* SAGA API Extensions: additional functional API extensions which use the Look and Feel of the SAGA API.
* SAGA API Language Bindings: mapping of the language neutral SAGA API to various programming languages.

The SAGA Core API specification covers the following non-functional areas:

* security and session management
* permission management
* asynchronous operations
* monitoring
* asynchronous notifications
* attribute management
* I/O buffer management

The SAGA Core API specification covers the following functional areas:

* job submission and management
* management of namespaces
* file I/O
* replica management
* streaming (modeled after BSD sockets
* remote procedure calls

The following functional areas are supposed to be covered by SAGA API extensions:

* service discovery
* message exchange
* storage of application level information
* database access and integration
* checkpoint management and recovery

ee also

* SAGA C++ Reference Implementation

External links

* [ The SAGA Research Group at OGF]
* [ The SAGA Core Working Group at OGF]

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