List of newsgroups

List of newsgroups

This is a list of newsgroups that are significant for their popularity or their position in Usenet history.

As of October 2002, there are about 100,000 Usenet newsgroups, of which approximately a fifth are active.Fact|date=February 2007 This number varies, depending on the news server carrying the newsgroups.

The Big 8 hierarchies

These are the most widely distributed and carefully controlled newsgroup hierarchies. See Big 8 (Usenet) and the Great Renaming for more information.


Computer-related topics.


Topics related to the humanities (fine arts, literature, philosophy, etc.).


Miscellaneous topics.

* misc.taxes.moderatedA moderated professional tax forum open to the general public


Matters related to the functioning of Usenet itself.

*"" — discussion related to the use of blocklists to deal with spam and other unwanted network traffic.
*"" — discussion of abuse of email by spammers and other parties.


Recreation and entertainment topics.
*"" — discussion of "Babylon 5" and other projects of J. Michael Straczynski.
*"" — discussion about soap operas broadcast by the CBS television network.
*"" — discussion of the TV series "Mystery Science Theater 3000".
*"" — Internet humor
*"" — general discussion of world cricket.
*"" — general discussion of world football (soccer).
*"rec.woodworking" — general discussion of woodworking.


Science-related topics.


Discussion related to society and social subcultures.


Discussion of various topics, especially controversial ones.

*"talk.bizarre" — a newsgroup for experiencing the bizarre.
*"" — evolution-creationism controversy which maintains an extensive FAQ.

The alt hierarchy

This is the most extensive newsgroup hierarchy outside of the Big 8.

*"alt.2600" — Official group for
*"Alt.Adoption" — for adoption
*"alt.arts.poetry.comments" — for poetry and poetry critique
*"alt.atheism" — discusses atheism
*"alt.binaries.slack" — artwork created by and for the Church of the SubGenius.
*"alt.callahans" — Spider Robinson's Callahan's Place online
*"alt.config" — creation of new newsgroups in the "alt.*" hierarchy".
*"alt.digitiser" — discussion of the video games magazine "Digitiser".
*"" — fandom discussions.
*"alt.gothic" — a gothic newsgroup and birthplace of Convergence
*"alt.horology" This Internet newsgroup concerns all aspects of horology (the science of time and timekeeping, clocks and watches). Those posting to it range from novices to collectors to professional watchmakers & clockmakers.
*"alt.religion.kibology" — He who Greps.
*"alt.religion.scientology" — discussion of the controversial subject of Scientology.
*"" — the first "alt.*" newsgroup for discussion of sexual topics.
*"" — discussion of BDSM sex.
*"" — set up specifically as a means of defeating newsgroup spam cross-posted to the entire hierarchy
*"" — text-based erotic stories of all types.
*"alt.slack" — Posting relating to the Church of the Subgenius.
*"" — pro-choice discussion of suicide.
*"alt.sysadmin.recovery" — the Scary Devil Monastery.
*"alt.tasteless" — discussion of subject matter in too poor taste to be discussed elsewhere.
*"" — discusses the TV show "The Simpsons."
*"alt.usenet.kooks" — discussion of Usenet kooks and their idiosyncratic theories.
*"alt.zines" — discussion of small-press publications, magazines, and pamphlets (zines).

Other newsgroups

These newsgroups fall outside of the official Big 8 hierarchies, as well as the less formal "alt" hierarchy.

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