- C. R. Hagen
Carl Richard Hagen is a
professor ofparticle physics at theUniversity of Rochester . He is most noted for his co-discovery of theHiggs mechanism andHiggs boson (God Particle) withGerald Guralnik and Tom Kibble [ [http://prola.aps.org/abstract/PRL/v13/i20/p585_1 Global Conservation Laws and Massless Particles] ] . As part ofPhysical Review Letters 50th anniversary celebration, the journal recognized this discovery as one of the milestone papers in PRL history [ [http://prl.aps.org/50years/milestones Physical Review Letters - 50th Anniversary Milestone Papers] ] .Professor Hagen's research interests are in the field of Theoretical
High Energy Physics , primarily in the area ofquantum field theory . Work in recent years has been concerned with such topics as the soluble two dimensional theories,Chern-Simons field theory , theAharonov-Bohm effect , and theCasimir effect .Hagen received his
B.S. ,M.S. , andPh.D. in physics from MIT. He has been aprofessor ofphysics at theUniversity of Rochester since1963 . Professor Hagen won the Award for Excellence in Teaching, Department of Physics and Astronomy,University of Rochester twice (in1996 and1999 ).References
External links
* [http://www.pas.rochester.edu/urpas/faculty_page/hagen_c_richard Faculty Page]
* [http://www.rochester.edu University of Rochester]
* [http://www.pas.rochester.edu/urpas/ University of Rochester Physics]
* [http://www.pas.rochester.edu/urpas/page/the_history_of_high_energy_nuclear_and_particle_physics_at_the_university_of_rochester History of University of Rochester High Energy Particle Physics]
* [http://www.mit.edu/ MIT]
* [http://web.mit.edu/physics/ MIT Physics]
* [http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2008/lhc-0910.html MIT awaits data from world's biggest physics experiment]
* [http://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=CR+Hagen&hl=en&lr= Papers written by C.R. Hagen on Google Scholar]
* [http://www.slac.stanford.edu/spires/find/hep/www?rawcmd=ea+Hagen,+C+R Papers written by C.R. Hagen on Spires abstract service]
* [http://prola.aps.org/search/field/author/C%20R%20Hagen C.R. Hagen papers in Physical Review]
* [http://prl.aps.org/50years/milestones Physical Review Letters - 50th Anniversary Milestone Papers]
* [http://prola.aps.org/pdf/PRL/v13/i20/p585_1 Global Conservation Laws and Massless Particles from PRL in PDF format]
* [http://www3.imperial.ac.uk/newsandeventspggrp/imperialcollege/newssummary/news_13-6-2008-12-42-20?newsid=38514 Imperial College London on PRL 50th Anniversary Milestone Papers]
* [http://cerncourier.com/cws/article/cern/32522 In CERN Courier, Steven Weinberg reflects on spontaneous symmetry breaking]
* [http://www.pas.rochester.edu/urpas/news/Hagen_030708 Steven Weinberg Praises C.R. Hagen and Collaborators for Higgs Boson Theory]
* [http://physicsworld.com/cws/article/print/11353 Physics World, Introducing the little Higgs]ee also
Higgs mechanism
*Higgs boson
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