- Solovetsky Monastery
Solovetsky Monastery ( _ru. Соловецкий монастырь) was the greatest
citadel ofChristianity in the Russian North before being turned into a special Soviet prison and labor camp (1926–1939), which served as a prototype for theGULAG system. Situated on theSolovetsky Islands in theWhite Sea , themonastery braved many changes of fortune and military sieges. Its most important structures date from the 16th century, whenFilip Kolychev was itshegumen .History
Solovetsky Monastery was founded in the late 1429 by
monk s Gherman (Herman) andSavvatiy (Sabbatius) ofKirillo-Belozersky Monastery . In the 15th and 16th centuries, when NovgorodianMarfa Boretskaya donated her lands atKemi andSuma to the monastery in 1450, the monastery quickly enlarged its estate, which was situated on the shores of the White Sea and the rivers falling into it. Solovetsky Monastery extended its producing and commercial activity, becoming an economic and political center of the White Sea region.Archmandrite s of the monastery were appointed by thetsar himself and thepatriarch .Peter the Great visited the Solovki in 1694. [http://memory.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/D?prok:133:./temp/~pp_lWGh::@@@mdb=app,grabill,lomax,pan,wtc,ils,vv,gottscho,detr,bbcards,prok,nclc,fsa]Solovetsky Monastery's "business" activity included
saltworks (in the 1660s, it owned 54 of them),seafood production, trapping,fishery ,mica works,ironworks ,pearl works etc., which had engaged many people dependent on the monastery.By the 17th century, Solovetsky Monastery had already had some 350 monks, 600-700 servants,
artisan s andpeasant s. In the 1650s and 1660s, the monastery was one of thestronghold s of theRaskol . TheSolovetsky Monastery Uprising of 1668–1676 was aimed at Nikon'secclesiastic reform and took on ananti-feudal nature. In 1765, Solovetsky Monastery becamestauropegic (from the Greek "stauros" meaning "cross " and "pegio" meaning "to affirm"), i.e. it subordinated directly to theSynod .Together with the Sumskoy and Kemsky
stockade s, Solovetsky Monastery represented an importantfrontier fortress with dozens ofcannon s and a stronggarrison . In the 16th to 17th centuries, the monastery succeeded a number of times in repelling the attacks of theLivonian Brothers of the Sword and the Swedes (in 1571, 1582 and 1611). During theCrimean War , Solovetsky Monastery was attacked by three English ships. After 9 hours of shelling on the 6th and 7th July, the vessels left with nothing. Between the 16th and the early 20th centuries, the monastery was also a place ofexile for the opponents ofautocracy and officialOrthodoxy and a center ofChristianization in the north ofRussia . The monastery also had a hugedepository ofmanuscript s and old books.The pride of the monks was the monastery´s garden which had many exotic flora, such as the Tibetan wild roses presented to the monks by
Agvan Dorzhij (Agvan Dorzhiev ), a famous Buryatian lama who was a member ofTibetan Karshog (Government) during the days of the Great 13thDalai Lama .After the
Bolshevik Revolution , the Soviet authorities closed down the monastery and incorporated many of the buildings intoSolovki , one of the earliest forced-labor camps of theGULAG during the 1920s and 1930s. The camp was mainly used for cutting trees, and when the trees were gone, the camp was closed. Before theSecond World War , a sea cadet school was opened on the island.Layout
The architectural ensemble of the Solovetsky Monastery is located on the shores of the Prosperity Bay (бухта Благополучия) on Solovetsky Island. The territory of the Solovetsky Monastery is surrounded by massive walls (height 8 to 11 m, thickness 4 to 6 m) with 7 gates and 8 towers (built in 1584–1594 by an
architect named Trifon), made mainly of hugeboulder s up to 5 m in length. There are also religious buildings on the monastery's grounds (the principal ones are interconnected with roofed and arched passages), surrounded by multiple household buildings and living quarters, including arefectory (a 500 m²chamber ) with the UspenskyCathedral (built in 1552-1557), Preobrazhensky Cathedral (1556–1564), Church ofAnnunciation (1596–1601), stone chambers (1615),watermill (early 17th century),bell tower (1777), and Church of Nicholas (1834).Today, the Solovetsky Monastery is a historical and architectural
museum . It was one of the first Russian sites to have been inscribed in theUNESCO World Heritage List . A small brothership of monks appeared in the monastery again and now it has about ten monks. During last several years the monastery was strongly repaired, but it is still under reconstruction.External links
* [http://www.solovki.museum.ru/solov_eng.asp Online museum]
*ru icon [http://www.solovki.ru/ Information in Russian]
* [http://www.solovki-monastyr.ru/ Official site of Solovetsky monastery]
* [http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/dgkeysearchresult.cfm?parent_id=100137&word= Solovetsky Monastery in the 19th century] Photo album at NYPL Digital Gallery
* [http://www.solovki.ca/english/mon.php Foundation of Solovki Monastery]
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