List of Valencian trinquets

List of Valencian trinquets

List of towns where there is a trinquet at the moment or there has been in the past. Bolded are the active trinquets.

In Valencia city

* "Trinquet de Cavallers", at the street of that name.
* "Trinquet de Centelles", in the XVI century.
* "Trinquet d'En Ciurana", cited in 1571, at the "Plaça de la Mercé".
* "Trinquet de l'Encarnació".
* "Trinquet dels Faigs", according to the "Llibre d'Aveïnaments", 1505.
* "Trinquet de l'Hospital", next to the "Porta del Reial" and close to the bridge with the same name.
* "Trinquet de Juan de Mena", end of the XIX century and first half of the XX century.
* "Trinquet Llevant del Grau", end of the XIX century and first half of the XX century.
* "Trinquet de Mossén Olcina", cited in 1484.
* "Trinquet de Mossén Sanz".
* "Trinquet del Pavorde", according to the "Llibre d'Aveïnaments", 1505.
* Trinquet de Pelayo. The only one active right now.
* "Trinquet dels Pilons" or "dels Mascons", because the owners were the Mascons family. Located at the "Carrer Ruiz de Lihory", cited in 1534.
* "Trinquet del Trabuquet". It was known as "Trinquet del Bordell dels Negres" before, and also as "Trinquet de Mossén Cots". Cited in 1525.
* "Trinquet de Na Segarra". Placed at the "Carrer de la tertúlia". It was called "Trinquet de la Morera" in the XVIII century.
* Polytechnic University of Valencia's trinquet.

Around the Valencian Community

* Abdet, 1772, resembling to galotxetes courtfield.
* Aielo de Malferit
* Alicante
* Alberic
* Albuixec
* Alcàsser
* Alcoy
* Aldaia
* Alfarb
* Algemesí
* Alginet
* Almassora
* Almoines
* L'Alqueria d'Asnar
* Altea
* Alzira
* Bèlgida
* Bellreguard
* Benaguasil
* Benasau
* Beniarjó
* Beniarrés
* Benidorm
* Benifaió
* Benigànim
* Benimantell
* Benimarfull
* Beniopa
* Beniparrell
* Benissa
* Benissanó
* Bétera
* Bicorp (Under construction)
* Bocairent
* Borbotó
* Borriana
* Borriol
* Burjassot
* Calpe
* El Campello
* Canals
* Carcaixent
* Càrcer
* Carlet
* Casinos
* Castalla
* Castellar
* Castelló de la Plana
* Castelló de la Ribera
* Castelló de Rugat
* Catarroja
* Confrides
* Crevillent
* Daimús
* Dénia
* Elda
* L'Eliana
* Elche
* Foios
* Gandia
* Gata de Gorgos
* El Genovés
* Godelleta
* Guadassuar
* Jesús Pobre
* Llíria
* La Llosa de Ranes
* Llutxent
* Manises
* Massalfassar
* Massamagrell
* Meliana
* Moncofa
* Monòver
* Montcada
* Murla
* Muro d'Alcoi
* Museros
* Oliva
* L'Olleria
* Onda
* Ondara
* Onil
* Ontinyent
* Orba
* L'Orxa
* Palma de Gandia
* Parcent
* Paterna
* Pedreguer
* Pego
* Petrer
* Piles
* La Pobla de Vallbona
* Polinyà de Xúquer
* Quatretonda
* Rafelcofer
* Real de Montroi
* Riba-roja de Túria
* Sagunt
* Silla
* Simat de la Valldigna
* Sollana
* Sueca
* Tavernes de la Valldigna
* Torrent
* Traiguera
* Les Useres
* La Vila Joiosa
* València
* Vall d'Ebo
* La Vall d'Uixó
* Vilafamés
* Villalonga
* Vilamarxant
* Vila-real
* La Vilavella
* Villar del Arzobispo
* Xàbia
* Xaló
* Xelva
* Xeraco
* Xeresa
* Xest
* Xilxes


** San Juan

See also

* List of the Valencian pilotaris

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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