

Burriana (or Borriana in lenguageValencian) is a town in eastern Spain, in the province of Castellón, part of the autonomous community of Valencia. Its population exceeds 34,000, some of them recent immigrants from North Africa and Eastern Europe (especially Romania).

The town, located by the Mediterranean Sea, has a nice beach ("Platja de l'Arenal") and a former commercial harbor, now converted in a marina for small and medium sized yachts.

In literature, it is briefly described by James A. Michener in the book, Iberia. As a young man, Michener landed there as a part of a ship crew. The merchant vessel was there to collect oranges for the Scottish marmalade industry. Oranges, after being loaded into metal barrels, were dragged out to sea by bulls.

Michener claimed that Burriana was used by regional comedians when they needed a location that was considered backward.

External links

* [http://www.burriana.es/ Ayuntamiento de Burriana]

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