

:"Belisana" is also a spider genus (Pholcidae).In Celtic mythology, Belisama (also Bηλησαμα or Belesama) was a goddess worshipped in Gaul and Britain. She was connected with lakes and rivers, fire, crafts and light. Belisama was identified with Minerva/Athena and has been compared with Brigid . She has been claimed to be the consort of Belenus, [ [ Belisama: a Gaulish and Brythonic goddess (Summer Bright) ] ] with whom she shared certain attributes. Her name has been interpreted to mean "summer bright".

A Gaulish inscription found at Vaison-la-Romaine in Provence shows that a "nemeton" was dedicated to her: [Lejeune, Michel "Receuil des Inscriptions Gauloises (RIG)" 1 Inscriptions Gallo-Grèques. G-153.]

:"Segomaros Ouilloneos tooutious Namausatis eiōrou Bēlēsami sosin nemēton":"Segomaros, son of Uillo, "toutious" (tribe leader) of Namausos, dedicated this sanctuary to Belesama"

A Latin inscription from Saint-Lizier, Aquitania (in antiquity, Consoranni) associates her with Minerva: [Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum (CIL), 13 "Tres Galliae et Germanae." 0008]

:"Minervae / Belisamae / sacrum / Q(uintus) Valerius / Montan [us] / [e] x v [oto?] "

The River Ribble in England was known by the name Belisama in Roman times. [Ronald Hutton (1991). "The Pagan Religions of the Ancient British Isles." Oxford: Blackwell. p.218] Ptolemy lists a "Belisama estuary" at coordinates which correspond to the mouth of the Ribble.

ee also

* Samlesbury Hall


External links

* [ Ptolemy at]
* [*.html Ptolemy at Lacus Curtius]

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