

Garça is a city located in the west-central part of the state of São Paulo, Brazil.

Established on of October 4, 1924, it was one of the cities that had been part of the coffee circle, in the beginning of 20th century XIX. Garça is known by its coffee plantations, the line of iron that cuts the city and by the Festival da Cerejeira that happens every year. It is also the hometown of football superstar Roberto Carlos.


*Latitude: 22.215/22º12'55" S
*Longitude: 49.65/49º39'04" W


The average altititude is in 663.2 m above sea level. The area is 554,00 km², are urban and 503,74 km² are rural.


The climate is subtropical with temperature ranging 17.8°C and 28.5°C. The precipitation is 1.274,4 mm/a The dry season occurs in the summer (December until March), with the temperature hovering between 25 and 30°C., being the rainiest time of the year. Low temperatures occurs in the months of April and July.


Wavelike, being bigger in its area, located in territory of ridges, where it has small brooks and streams, converging all to the formation of the Rios do Peixe, Tibiriçá and Feio.

oil types

*Podzol, Marília Variation


The region is characterized by luxuriant vegetation, predominating the grassy ones, being that the previous vegetation was constituted of tropical forests.

North: Álvaro de Carvalho, Pirajuí
West: Vera Cruz GarçaEast: Alvinlândia, Presidente Alves
South: Alvinlândia, Gália, Lupércio

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