- Johnny Hyde
Johnny Hyde (in Hungarian Iván Haidabura [Joe Eszterhas: The Devil's Guide to Hollywood] ) was an influential, powerhouse agent of the 1940s. He became famous for his involvement with
Marilyn Monroe at the start of her acting career. Although there have long been rumors of a romance between them, Monroe herself stated that their relationship was strictly platonic. At the time, he was married and had three children.Hyde transformed her physical and public image, and is often credited as being the man who made her a star. He persuaded Monroe to have minor
plastic surgery to perfect her appearance, and encouraged her to regularly bleach her hair platinum blond, an attribute that would later become hertrademark . He used his influence to persuade executives of20th Century Fox to give her ascreen test and later to award her a contract. They had turned her away two years earlier.He has 2 living descendants, Richard Anthony Jones, his Great-Grandson and Melanie Van Doorne (Hyde) his Grand Daughter.
[ [http://www.celebrityplasticpics.com/marilyn_monroe_plastic_surgery.htm Marylin Monroe before and after rhinoplasty ] ] [ [http://marilynmonroepages.com/facts.html#surgery Marilyn Monroe - Facts & Info ] ] [http://obits.com/monroemarilyn.html] [ [http://www.amazon.com/dp/0812885252/ Amazon.com:
] ]
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