Kim Walther

Kim Walther

"Kimberly Walther" (born July 26, 1977 [] ) is a well-known supporting cast member of "The Anna Nicole Show" while it aired from 2002 until 2004. Best known as "Kimmie" or simply "Kim", she was Anna Nicole Smith's personal assistant and admirer, joining in on many of the "adventures" that took place on the show. Among the cast, Kim seemed to have a less dramatic, more "down to Earth" attitude. Nevertheless, her ambiguous sexual orientation, purple hair and shoulder tattoo of Smith made her a memorable character. Walther and Smith remained close friends throughout the series, though after it ended, Walther seldom made further public appearances.

Walther, while working at the front desk of a Palm Springs-area resort around 1999, met and was befriended by the former Playboy model. She explains that Smith was experiencing computer problems, and agreed to take a look at it. They soon became close friends.

Walther was with Smith as a witness when the star signed her last will and testament in 2001. Kim remarked that Anna was "of sound mind and judgment" when signing the will. She remained very close with Smith until just prior to her death, and even reportedly had a long phone conversation with Anna only a couple days before she died.

Death of Anna Nicole Smith

In the weeks following Anna Nicole Smith's death on February 8, 2007, much media attention was directed toward Smith's lawyer and companion, Howard K. Stern, as well as physicians, bodyguards and others surrounding Smith during her final days. Despite remaining a close friend to Smith almost until the day she died, Walther remained silent during the ensuing weeks amidst the media frenzy surrounding the events. She did not issue any official statement until February 23, 2007, when she gave a much sought-after interview for "Entertainment Tonight"'s Jann Carl. In the interview, she was frank about her relationship with Smith, her grief and deep mourning evident. She also attempted to set the record straight concerning a fraudulent internet site in her name (see below). Appearing deeply saddened, wiping back tears during much of the interview, she expressed her grief upon losing her close friend, whom she considered a "best friend, big sister and mother figure". She also said that there always seemed to be something of a "dark shadow" surrounding Smith (particularly after her son, Daniel's death), and that she was never able to ultimately find true happiness. In addition, she mentioned that Smith wanted to have more children, and had collected chests full of baby clothes over the years should the event(s) take place. Kim said that she supported Anna in all her endeavors and would always there for her.

The fraudulent website that Walther addressed was full of negative viewpoints on Howard K. Stern, accusing him of being responsible for the deaths of not only Anna, but also her son, Daniel Smith. The site (known as, that is purported to be hers, in fact is notit's the work of an impersonator. Walther has stated she is not involved with it in any way, and that she is certain that Stern had nothing to do with Smith's death, nor her son Daniel's. In addition, Walther has since spoken with Stern to let him know that she would not post such a website, and she couldn't fathom Stern having anything to do with either death. She said that Anna was unconditionally loved by him, and that although her pain over Anna's death was horrific, she couldn't imagine what Stern was going through, being there beside her for the past 2+ years that she mostly was not (physically), and offered him any support that she could.

Additionally, Walther expressed hope that one day she will be given an opportunity to tell Smith's daughter, Dannielynn Hope Marshall Birkhead, now under the custody of her biological father, Larry Birkhead, about her mother, and to let her know that her mom "...really was an amazing person." []

Future Appearances?

It is unclear if Walther plans to make further public appearances as her primary claim to fame was the Anna Nicole Show as Anna Nicole Smith's assistant, and with Smith now deceased, and Walther having spoken her piece on the situation on Entertainment Tonight, along with an apparent lack of interest in Smith's personal assets, Walther's interests according to Smith appear to be to let Dannielynn Hope Marshall Birkhead know what a wonderful person and mother (albeit briefly) Smith was, that Howard K. Stern had nothing to do with Anna and Daniel's deaths, and tended to look out for them, as well as Smith couldn't have committed suicide because she loved her baby. However, she remained deeply depressed over the death of her son Daniel, and never got past it, possibly setting the stage for her final months. []

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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