

:"This is in Denmark. For the sea inlet in Croatia, see Lim (Croatia)."

The Limfjord (in Danish: "Limfjorden" IPA| [ˈliːmˌfjoːˀɐn] ) is a shallow sound in Denmark that separates the island of Vendsyssel-Thy from the rest of Jutland Peninsula. It extends from Thyborøn Channel on the North Sea to Hals on the Kattegat. It is approximately 180 kilometres long and of an irregular shape with several bays, narrowings, and islands, most notably Mors. It is deepest at Hvalpsund (24 metres). Its main port is Aalborg, [The preferred official spelling has been "Ålborg" since the Danish spelling reform of 1948. This is disputed, since Aalborg is excepted from that reform and continues to prefer spelling with the "Aa".] where a railway and a road bridge are built across "Limfjorden" to Nørresundby, while motorway E45 passes it through a tunnel to the east.

"Limfjorden" was originally connected with the North Sea. Canute the Great sailed into it in 1027 on his way back from England. According to Saxo Grammaticus it closed at some time around 1200. On February 3, 1825 a flood pierced an opening, the so-called Agger Channel, in the north of the 13 km long and less than 1 km wide isthmus, the Agger Tange, which had until then linked Vendsyssel-Thy with the rest of Jutland. In 1862, another flood pierced another opening, the Thyborøn Channel, through the remainder of Agger Tange [ (see satellite image)] . Agger Channel was continuously filling with sand, and was eventually closed in 1877.

"Limfjorden" is famous for its tasty mussels ("Mytilus edulis") [] . Gourmets appreciate its oysters which are considered to be of extraordinary size and quality.

There are two powerline crossings of Limfjord ( Limfjorden Overhead powerline crossing 1 and Limfjorden Overhead powerline crossing 2).


External links

* [ Limfjord information] (in Danish)
* [ The Limfjord Museum]

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