Tilia heterophylla

Tilia heterophylla

name = "Tilia heterophylla"
regnum = Plantae
unranked_divisio = Angiosperms
unranked_classis = Eudicots
unranked_ordo = Rosids
ordo = Malvales
familia = Malvaceae
genus = "Tilia"
species = "T. heterophylla"
binomial = "Tilia heterophylla"
binomial_authority = Vent.|

"Tilia heterophylla" (White Basswood), is a species of "Tilia" native to mesic forests in eastern North America from central New York south to northernmost Florida and west to Missouri; it is commonest in the Appalachian Mountains.U.S. Forest Service Silvics Manual: [http://na.fs.fed.us/pubs/silvics_manual/volume_2/tilia/heterophylla.htm "Tilia heterophylla"] ]

The main distinguishing characteristic from other North American "Tilia" species is the presence of dense felt (tomentum) of white hairs on the underside of the leaves. It is widely considered to be a variety of "Tilia americana", as "Tilia americana" var. "heterophylla" (Vent.) Loudon,Hardin, J. W. (1990). Variation patterns and recognition of varieties of Tilia americana s.l. "Syst. Bot". 15: 33-48.] Germplasm Resources Information Network: [http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/taxon.pl?411224 "Tilia americana" var. "heterophylla"] ] though some others place it in a separate section of the genus, more related to other "Tilia" species with white tomentum on the undersides of the leaves from Europe and Asia, such as "Tilia tomentosa".Rushforth, K. (1999). "Trees of Britain and Europe". Collins ISBN 0-00-220013-9.] The problem of its placement in the genus is complicated by extensive natural hybridization with "Tilia americana".


It is a medium-sized to large deciduous tree growing to 27 m tall with a trunk up to 90 cm diameter. The leaves are large, very unequal at the base, 719 cm long and 614 cm broad, with a finely toothed margin; they are light green and smooth above, silvery downy beneath. The flowers are produced in clusters of 1024 together; they are larger than those of "T. americana". The fruit is spherical, 13 mm diameter, downy, the fruit bract pointed at the base.

The tree is not generally known, but Professor Charles Sargent, in "The Silva of North America", says of it: "Few North American trees surpass it in beauty of foliage; and the contrast made by the snowy whiteness of the under surface of its ample leaves as they flutter on their slender stems, with the dark green of the Hemlocks and Laurels on the banks of rapid mountain streams produces one of the most beautiful effects which can be seen in the splendid forests which clothe the valleys of the southern Appalachian Mountains."cite book | last =Keeler | first =Harriet L. | title =Our Native Trees and How to Identify Them | publisher =Charles Scriber's Sons | date =1900 | location =New York | pages =24-31 ]


The young leaves are edible, and can be made into a mild-flavored tea.Plants For A Future: [http://www.pfaf.org/database/plants.php?Tilia+heterophylla "Tilia heterophylla"] ]


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