Gustavo Angel

Gustavo Angel

Gustavo Angel (born in 1968) is a Mexican singer who became famous, alongside brother Adolfo, as one of the two leaders of Mexican music group Los Temerarios.

Gustavo, his brother and Fernando Angel, their cousin, are often credited for being the concept creators for Los Temerarios. The band began playing in 1981, under the name of "Grupo Brisas". In 1984, Los Temerarios began to enjoy wild success across Latin America. By 1985, it had been decided that Gustavo would be the band's leading singer. Gustavo also plays the guitar during the band's concerts.

Gustavo Angel is not known to be a womanizer, a charasteristic that his brother Adolfo, on the contrary, is famous for. In 2000, Gustavo married Priscila Paez, the leading singer of the also famous group Priscila y Las Balas de Plata. In 2001, the couple had their first daughter, Sarah Priscilla Angel.

On September 19 of 2004, the couple's second child, Gustavo Jr., was born.

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