Lili, Lulu Et Zizi — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Lulu. Lili, Lulu et Zizi Duck Personnage Disney Nom original April, May June Duck Espèce Canards anthr … Wikipédia en Français
Lili, lulu et zizi — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Lulu. Lili, Lulu et Zizi Duck Personnage Disney Nom original April, May June Duck Espèce Canards anthr … Wikipédia en Français
Lili, Lulu et Zizi — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Lulu. Lili, Lulu et Zizi Duck Personnage Disney Nom original April, May June Duck Espèce Canards anthropomorphes … Wikipédia en Français
Topics in cryptography — This article is intended to be an analytic glossary , or alternatively, an organized collection of annotated pointers.Classical ciphers*Autokey cipher *Permutation cipher*Polyalphabetic substitution **Vigenère cipher*Polygraphic substitution… … Wikipedia
Outline of cryptography — See also: Index of cryptography articles The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to cryptography: Cryptography (or cryptology) – practice and study of hiding information. Modern cryptography intersects the… … Wikipedia
NESSIE — For other uses, see Nessie (disambiguation). NESSIE (New European Schemes for Signatures, Integrity and Encryption) was a European research project funded from 2000–2003 to identify secure cryptographic primitives. The project was comparable to… … Wikipedia
Генератор псевдослучайных чисел — (ГПСЧ, англ. Pseudorandom number generator, PRNG) алгоритм, порождающий последовательность чисел, элементы которой почти независимы друг от друга и подчиняются заданному распределению (обычно равномерному). Современная информатика… … Википедия
Gregorij Rasputin — Grigori Jefimowitsch Rasputin (russisch Григорий Ефимович Распутин, wiss. Transliteration Grigórij Efímovič Raspútin; * 10. Januarjul./ 22. Januar 1869greg. in Pokrowskoje, Oblast Tjumen; † 17. Dezemberjul./ 30. Dezember 1916greg. in … Deutsch Wikipedia
Grigori Jefimowitsch Rasputin — Grigori Rasputin Grigori Jefimowitsch Rasputin (russisch Григорий Ефимович Распутин, wiss. Transliteration … Deutsch Wikipedia
Grigori Rasputin — Grigori Jefimowitsch Rasputin (russisch Григорий Ефимович Распутин, wiss. Transliteration Grigórij Efímovič Raspútin; * 10. Januarjul./ 22. Januar 1869greg. in Pokrowskoje, Oblast Tjumen; † 17. Dezemberjul./ 30. Dezember 1916greg. in … Deutsch Wikipedia