Grevillea juniperina

Grevillea juniperina

name = Juniper Grevillea

regnum = Plantae
unranked_divisio = Angiosperms
unranked_classis = Eudicots
ordo = Proteales
familia = Proteaceae
genus = "Grevillea"
species = "G. juniperina "
binomial = "Grevillea juniperina"
binomial_authority = R.Br.|

"Grevillea juniperina", commonly known as Juniper Grevillea, is a shrub which is endemic to eastern New South Wales and south-eastern Queensland in Australia.

It has a spreading or erect habit and it grows to between 0.2 and 3 metres in height. The leaves are prickly and are 0.5 to 3.5 cm long and 0.5 to 6 mm wide. Flowering occurs throughout the year, peaking between mid winter and early summer. The spider-like flowers are red, pink, orange, yellow or greenish.


The type specimen for this species was collected from Port Jackson area and was described by botanist Robert Brown in 1810 who gave it the specific epithet "juniperina" which alludes to its juniper-like foliage.

There are currently seven recognised subspecies:

*"G. juniperina" subsp. "allojohnsonii" Makinson - red flowers
*"G. juniperina" subsp. "amphitricha" - from the Shoalhaven River area
*"G. juniperina" subsp. "fortis" Makinson - mostly within the ACT
*"G. juniperina" R.Br. subsp. "juniperina" - endemic to western Sydney
*"G. juniperina" subsp. "sulphurea" (A.Cunn.) Makinson (formerly var. "trinervata")
*"G. juniperina" subsp. "trinervis" (R.Br.) (formerly "Grevillea trinervis")
*"G. juniperina" subsp. "villosa" Makinson - from the Braidwood / Currockbilly area.

"G. juniperina" subsp. "juniperina" is listed as a vulnerable species on Schedule 2 of the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 in New South Wales.


A number of cultivars have been selected for horticultural use, including the following:
*'Lunar Light' - variegated leaves and orange-pink flowers
*'Molonglo' - low spreading habit, larger orange flowers with red styles


* [ Australian Plant Name Index, IBIS database, Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research, Australian Government, Canberra]
* [ National Parks & Wildlife Service, NSW - Threatened species profile: "Grevillea juniperina" ssp "juniperina"]
* [ PlantNET -New South Wales Flora online: "Grevillea juniperina"]
* [ Australian Cultivar Registration Authority Inc. - List of Registered Cultivars derived from Australian native flora]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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