University of Washington Libraries/Libraries and Units

University of Washington Libraries/Libraries and Units

Architecture and Urban Planning Library

334 Gould Hall
Box 355730

Subjects emphasized in this collection are architecture, architectural history, urban design and planning, landscape architecture, construction management, and furniture design. Special materials include selected environmental impact statements, primarily for King County, the City of Seattle and the UW.

Art Library

101 Art Building
Box 353440

Art, Art History, and Design are the major subject areas of the collection. Included are publications on ceramics, fibers, industrial design, metals, painting & drawing, photography, printmaking, sculpture, visual communication design, and the history of art from the ancient period to the present. Special research materials include the Decimal Index to the Art of the Low Countries, and the New York Public Librarys Artists Files on microfiche.

UW Bothell/CCC Library, UW Bothell UW Bothell
Box 358550
18225 Campus Way N.E.
Bothell, WA 98011-8245

Services and materials are provided to support undergraduate programs in Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, Business, and Computing and Software Systems as well as graduate programs in Business, Education, Nursing, and Policy Studies. In addition, a fifth year certification program in K-8 teaching is offered. UW Bothell is co-located with [ Cascadia Community College] , and library services are also provided to CCC faculty, staff and students. The library collection emphasizes recent scholarly publications in disciplines represented in the curricula of both institutions. A [ document delivery service] is available to UWB/CCC students, faculty and staff for access to UW Seattle and Tacoma library materials. UW Seattle and Tacoma students, faculty and staff may request UWB/CCC materials using the [ UW Libraries Catalog] or through [ Interlibrary Loan] . Health Sciences [ Document Delivery Services] provides article delivery from UWB for its constituents.

Chemistry Library

30 Chemistry Library Building
Box 351700

Research collections in the chemical sciences and chemical engineering are located here. Additional subjects include biotechnology, chemical aspects of polymers, and materials science.

Drama Library

145 Hutchinson Hall
Box 353950
FAX 206-543-8512

Subjects emphasized are dramatic literature and theatre history. Materials on acting, black theatre, childrens theatre, circus, costume, creative dramatics, directing, dramatic theory and criticism, lighting, makeup, mime, playwriting, scene design and theatre buildings and auditoriums are included. Of special note are the more than 14,000 acting editions and sound effects from BBC, CBS and Sound Ideas.

East Asia Library

322 Gowen Hall
Box 353527
FAX: 206-221-5298

Collection emphasis is on anthropology, art, business and economics, communication, history, languages and literature, law, philosophy, religion and political science, all within the context of the cultures of China, Japan, Korea and Inner Asia. Language materials held are Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Tibetan, Manchurian and Mongolian. In addition, Western language publications covering the fields of the social sciences and humanities are also available.

Engineering Library

Engineering Library Building
Box 352170
FAX: 206-543-3305

Subjects emphasized are all areas of engineering (except chemical), computer science, energy, history of technology and technical communication. The library is a designated [ Patent and Trademark] Depository Library and maintains a national depository for the [ Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)] . Special resources include industry standards, technical reports, and U.S. patent specifications from 1966 to the present.

Fisheries-Oceanography Library

151 Oceanography Teaching Bldg.
Box 357952

Subjects emphasized are all aspects of fisheries, oceanography and marine science. Of particular note are holdings in the areas of Pacific salmon, marine and aquatic ecology, marine policy, and aquaculture. The collection includes many fisheries publications from state, federal and international governments as well as intergovernmental organizations.

Foster Business Library

13 Bank of America Executive Education Center
Box 353224
206-543-4360, 206-543-8012

The collection includes business, accounting, business communications, business policy, finance, human resource management and organizational behavior, international business, information systems, management science and operations management, and marketing. Special materials include the [ corporate annual reports] collection.

Friday Harbor Library

Friday Harbor Laboratories
Box 351812
Friday Harbor, WA 98250
FAX 206-543-1273

Holdings constitute a core collection on the biology and ecology of marine organisms. Special materials include collections of reprints, papers and theses based on research done at the [ Friday Harbor Labs] . A librarian is in residence Summer Quarter. Fax, e-mail and courier services provide other materials year-round.

Government Publications

Ground Floor
Suzzallo Library
Box 352900

Government Publications offers reference services for a wide range of government data and information, in electronic, microform, and print formats. [ Depository] publications are received from the U.S. government, Washington state, Canada, the United Nations and the European Union. Documents from Seattle, King County, Northwest regional councils, other foreign governments and other international intergovernmental organizations are also acquired, along with U.S. legislative, administrative and statistical reports. Materials collected from foreign governments are primarily statistical in nature.

A 20-seat computer lab provides GIS support to UW students, faculty and staff during the academic year.

Health Sciences Library and Information Center

T-227 Health Sciences Bldg.
Box 357155

Subjects emphasized are medicine, dentistry, nursing, pharmacy, public health, biochemistry, biomathematics, biomedical history, molecular biology and psychiatry.

In addition, special materials include a collection of [ rare books] on the history of health sciences, audio-visual materials, and computer software and hardware supporting the health sciences curriculum.

Among special programs are the collection and operations base for the [ National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Pacific Northwest Region] , serving health professionals in Washington, Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Montana. The [ Research Funding Service] (for Health Sciences faculty and staff) and the Health Sciences [ Microlab] are housed here. HSLIC staff manages the [ [ K.K. Sherwood Library] in [ Harborview Medical Center] and the [ Social Work Library] .

Special services include fee-based [ document and information services] to individuals outside the campus community. Document Services is an article delivery service providing access to journals in HSLIC or the Social Work Library. For grants and funding information, faculty from Health Sciences may contact the [ Research Funding Service Research Funding Service] at 206-685-8036 or e-mail

International Studies

Near East

First Floor
Suzzallo Library
Box 352900

The Near East Section is responsible for the interdisciplinary collection of materials in all languages pertaining to the Middle East, and selects materials in Arabic, Hebrew, Persian and Turkish. Reference services include orientation to and instruction on the use of these materials, as well as assistance with the preparation of bibliographies. Vernacular materials are located in the Suzzallo and Allen stacks.

lavic and East European

First Floor
Suzzallo Library
Box 352900

This unit is responsible for information resource development in all formats pertaining to Russia and the former Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, and the Baltics. In addition to more than 9,000 area-related books, videos, sound recordings, computer files, microforms, and periodicals each year, the section provides reference assistance and user instruction sessions for students, faculty and community members. Most materials are located in Suzzallo and Allen stacks.

outheast Asia

First Floor
Suzzallo Library
University of Washington
Box 352900
Seattle, WA 98195-2900

This unit is responsible for resource development in Brunei, Burma, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Singapore and Vietnam. Each year thousands of books and periodicals as well as videos, sound recordings, computer files and microforms are added in regional languages as well as in English and European languages. Section staff also provide reference assistance and user instruction for students, faculty and community members. Materials acquired by the section are in Suzzallo and Allen stacks and in remote storage.

K.K. Sherwood-Harborview Library

104 Harborview Hall
Box 359902
FAX: 206-731-8673

A full range of information services is offered to UW faculty, staff and students at [ Harborview Medical Center] . Access to online systems augments patient care information requirements. The books and journals held at this location are all noncirculating.

Map Collection & Cartographic Information Services

Suzzallo Library basement
Box 352900

The Map Collection provides worldwide coverage through a comprehensive collection of cartographic materials. Major collection strengths include complete holdings of U.S. topographic maps as well as many for foreign areas; nautical and aeronautical charts; aerial photographs of Washington state; gazetteers and placename indexes.

[ Geographic Information Systems (GIS)] data provides primarily local, regional and statewide information. Access to GIS software is provided. A 20-seat computer lab provides GIS support to UW students, faculty and staff during the academic year. This unit also offers its services as a state Earth Science Information Center office.

Mathematics Research Library

C-306 Padelford Hall
Box 354350
FAX 206-543-5222

The collection emphasizes advanced research materials in pure and theoretical mathematics, and in pure and applied statistics. Among the subject areas covered are algebra, analysis, differential equations, geometry, group theory, probability, statistics, topology, computational mathematics and computational statistics.

Media Center

MezzanineOdegaard Undergraduate Library

This unit serves as the central media unit for the Libraries. Materials support UW curriculum and research with sound recordings, videotapes, compact discs, DVDs, and slides. Media materials may be placed on reserve at the Media Center. Sound and video programs can be accessed through carrels on the mezzanine, and media materials not on course reserve may be checked out by those with Libraries borrowing privileges.

Microform and Newspaper Collections

Ground Floor
Suzzallo Library
Box 352900

Microform holdings support research in the humanities, sciences and social sciences, selected National Archives materials, early European and American imprints, and a wide variety of documents from governmental and nongovernmental organizations. A large collection of foreign and domestic newspapers is maintained, including over 250 current subscriptions and extensive historical newspaper backfiles.

Music Library

113 Music Building
Box 353450

Music Listening Center

19 Music Building

Holdings emphasize the history, literature, theory and performance of music. The collection includes books, scores, and audio and video recordings. Among special resources are the Eric Offenbacher Collection of pre-LP vocal recordings of the music of Mozart, the Hazel B. Kinsella Collection of American hymnals and tune books, the Melville Harris Collection of early disc and cylinder recordings of woodwind solos, and a collection of 17th and 18th century opera scores.

Natural Sciences Library

Ground Floor and First Floor
Allen Library South, Box 352900
FAX 206-685-1665
Reference 206-543-1244

The major collections for atmospheric sciences, biology, botany, earth and space sciences, forest resources, products and related forestry subjects, general science, speech and hearing sciences, zoology and history of science are housed at this location. Reference services include teaching classes and individuals, with emphasis on access to electronic and print information sources. Provides class reserve services for these subject areas in both electronic and print formats.

Odegaard Undergraduate Library (OUGL)

Box 353080

OUGL is an interactive center for teaching, learning and undergraduate research, with a collection of over 160,000 volumes, reserve and media collections to support more than 400 courses per quarter. OUGL provides 24-hour library service, and is one of the busiest libraries on campus.

OUGLs interdisciplinary collection supports the undergraduate curriculum with emphasis on social sciences and humanities. OUGL [ reserves] is the primary reserve unit in the library system for non-health sciences subjects.

The collection also includes [ career] and [ English as a Second Language] materials. [ Individual research consultations] and [ group study rooms] are also available, as well as computer equipment for students with physical disabilities. OUGL is home to [ UWill] , a Web-based information literacy service for faculty, the [ OUGL Commons] , a 360-seat computer lab on the second floor, and the [ Center for Teaching, Learning, and Technology] , designed to provide walk-in assistance to UW faculty and staff who have questions about educational technology.


Third Floor
Suzzallo and Allen Libraries
Box 352900

This section holds the largest collection of periodicals in the library system. Holdings emphasize general interest, humanities and social sciences. Titles are from around the world, including many in foreign languages. Services include general circulation and periodicals information.

Physics-Astronomy Library

Sixth Floor, C Wing
Physics Astronomy Building
Box 351560

This collection emphasizes advanced research in physics, astronomy and astrophysics. Physics subject areas include atomic and molecular physics, classical and quantum mechanics, fluids and plasmas, high energy and nuclear physics, mathematical and statistical physics, optics and solid state physics.

Reference and Research Services

First Floor
Suzzallo Library
Box 352900

The Librarieslargest and most comprehensive collection of reference resources is located in Reference and Research Services. General and specialized reference services for the humanities, social sciences and international studies, and reference support for the larger library system are offered here.

ocial Work Library

252 Social Work/Speech and Hearing Sciences Building
Box 354900
FAX 206-685-7647

The collection encompasses social welfare policy and administration, social services to individuals and groups, community organizations, human growth and behavior, marriage and family, aging, interpersonal violence, substance abuse, and crime and delinquency. Interdisciplinary materials in health sciences, law, psychology and sociology are also included. A braille typewriter is available for library users.

pecial Collections

Basement Floor Allen Library Box 352900

These collections provide service and care of valuable, rare and unique materials. The [ Historical Photographs] , [ Manuscripts] , [ Pacific Northwest] , and [ Architectural Drawings] collections focus on the history and culture of the Pacific Northwest, including Alaska and Western Canada.

Collection sources include members of Congress, regional photographers, pioneers and settlers, and local Japanese, Jewish and Scandinavian communities. Another specialty is travel and exploration literature, particularly of the Pacific Ocean. The University Archives is responsible for records of UW offices and student organizations, and personal papers of prominent faculty and administrators. The [ Book Arts Collection] features both historical and modern pieces relating to all aspects of the physical book. [ Collections of authors] spanning the 18th to 20th centuries include significant regional poets, and a major collection of 19th century American literature. Reference collections emphasize the history of books and printing, regional and local history and materials on the preservation of books and paper. All collections are noncirculating and restrictions on use may apply.

uzzallo and Allen Libraries

and Allen Libraries are together a prominent symbol of learning and research on campus, housing more than 60 miles of shelving. This combined facility is the primary location for information and services in the social sciences and humanities. Subjects emphasized are African studies, anthropology, classics, communications, economics, education, ethnic studies, geography, history, languages and literatures, library and information science, Near Eastern studies, Nordic studies, philosophy, political science, psychology, sociology, South Asia studies, Slavic studies, speech communication, West European studies and Women studies.

Libraries Administration is located on the fourth floor of the Allen Library North.

UW Tacoma Library, UW Tacoma

UW Tacoma
1900 Commerce Street
Box 358460
FAX 253-692-4445

[Located in the heart of Tacomas historic waterfront warehouse district, the Library provides materials and services to support undergraduate programs in interdisciplinary arts and sciences (including nonprofit management, Asian studies, Hispanic studies, museum studies, human rights, environmental studies, public history), business administration, nursing, social welfare, urban studies (including geographic information systems), and computing and software systems; graduate programs in business administration, education, interdisciplinary studies, nursing, social work and computing and software systems. UW Tacoma faculty, students and staff have access to library resources from the University Libraries and several other academic libraries in the Pacific Northwest. The Library facility includes the 1902 Snoqualmie Falls Power Company Transformer House, the ChihulyChinookchandelier, and several historical photographs.

Other Libraries

Other independently administered libraries are also located on the Universitys Seattle campus.

Elisabeth C. Miller Library

University of Washington Botanic Gardens
Box 354115
3501 N.E. 41st Street

This collection serves the Arboretum, Center for Urban Horticulture faculty and students, horticultural professionals, and the general public. Subjects include urban horticulture, urban forestry, urban ecology, regional flora, garden design, garden history and gardening techniques.

Marian G. Gallagher Law Library

William H. Gates Hall
Box 353025
Hours 206-543-4088

This library contains the standard Anglo-American legal authorities, including statutes, reported decisions, treaties and legal periodicals. The foreign law collection is substantial and regionally significant, with special emphasis on Chinese, Japanese and Korean materials along with selected European holdings. The Law Library is a partial depository for U.S. Government publications, briefs of the U.S. Supreme Court and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, and for all Washington state courts of record. The UW Law Library Catalog may be searched at

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