- Stymphalian birds
Greek mythology , Stymphalian birds were man-eatingbird s with wings ofbrass and sharp metallic feathers they could launch at their victims, and were pets ofAres , the god of war. Furthermore, their dung was highly toxic. They had migrated toLake Stymphalia inArcadia to escape a pack of wolves, and bred quickly and took over the countryside, destroying local crops and fruit trees. Ridding the land of these birds was one ofHeracles ' Twelve Labors, and some sources claim the Stymphalian birds were the same avians that attacked theArgonauts .The Sixth Labor of Heracles
The forest around Lake Stymphalia was very dense, making it so dark as to impair vision.
Athena andHephaestus aided Heracles by forging for him huge bronze clappers (crotala), which scared the birds into flight. Hercules shot them down with his arrows, or according to other versions, acatapult . The birds that survived never returned toGreece .Origin
When the sun is in the sign of Sagittarius, the constellations
Lyra , Aquila theEagle , and Cygnus theSwan , rise. (Lyra is now considered alyre , but originally it was avulture ; eventually the vulture was imagined as holding a lyre, and eventually it became just a lyre). At this time of year (i.e. during Sagittarius) the evenings darken and the rain season in Greece starts, creating swampland from previously drier areas. Thus the bird constellations gained negative connotations. Sagittarius (the constellation) had various interpretations, especially as an archer but also as a rattle. In the later story, Heracles scared off the Stymphalian Birds (who lived in a swamp) with noise, and firing an arrow at them (the constellationSagitta , an arrow, is aiming towards Aquila). The noise, archery, and sinister birds associated with the constellations may reflect the origin of the myth.
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