

"For the town in Germany, see Elend, Saxony-Anhalt."Infobox musical artist
Name = Elend
Origin = France

Img_capt =
Background = group_or_band
Years_active = 1993–present
Genre = Neoclassical, Experimental
Label =
Associated_acts = L'Ensemble Orphique
URL = [http://www.elend-music.org/news.php Official website]
Current_members = Iskandar Hasnawi Renaud Tschirner Nathalie Barbary Sébastien Roland David Kempf Esteri Rémond

Past_members = Eve-Gabrielle Siskind

Elend is a band formed in France in 1993 by composers and multi-instrumentalists Iskandar Hasnawi of France and Renaud Tschirner of Austria. The band's name is German for "misery." Their music can be described as gothic and orchestral music, or simply neoclassical.

tylistic overview

Early Elend albums utilized samplers and synths to create a dense and horrifying orchestral sound. In recent albums for the "Winds Cycle", Elend's sound has broadened; they have incorporated industrial elements and now rely almost entirely on acoustic instruments and chamber orchestras instead of synths, giving them a more full and natural sound.

Elend is often classified as a metal act due to the fact that in their earlier days, they were signed to Holy Records, which released metal music almost exclusively, as well as due to them having members formerly in metal bands. Elend's sound has sometimes been very violent, containing harsh atonal dissonance and screaming, tormented vocals, but they have never been metal of any form.

The "Winds Cycle" was originally intended to consist of five albums, however it was changed to a trilogy prior to the release of "A World in Their Screams" for unknown reasons.

In an interview with a French magazine posted in June 2007 on their website, Iskander Hasnawi indicated that the costs and difficulties of recording the orchestral music associated with Elend have made it impossible to continue with the Elend project. Both composers will be continuing with personal projects, including L'Ensemble Orphique.



*Alexandre Iskandar Hasnaoui: Various instruments (1993—present)
*Renaud Tschirner: Various instruments (1993—present)
*Nathalie Barbary: Soprano vocals (1995—present)
*Sébastien Roland: Keyboards, programming, engineering (1997—present)
*David Kempf: Violin (2000—present)
*Esteri Rémond: Soprano vocals (2003—present)
*Laura Angelmayer: Soprano vocals
*Shinji Chihara: Violin, viola
*Klaus Amann: Trumpet, Horn, Trombone
*Simon Eberl - Industrial Landscapes and Noises


*Eve-Gabrielle Siskind: Soprano vocals (1994—1995)



# Officium Tenebrarum
## "Leçons de Ténèbres" (Holy Records, 1994)
## "Les Ténèbres du Dehors" (Holy Records, 1996, reissued 2001 with a bonus track)
## "The Umbersun" (Music for Nations, 1998)
#Winds Cycle
## "Winds Devouring Men" (Holy Records/Prophecy Productions, 2003)
## "Sunwar the Dead" (Holy Records/Prophecy Productions, 2004)
## "A World in Their Screams" (April 23, 2007)


# "Weeping Nights" (Holy Records, 1997)

External links

* [http://www.elend-music.org/news.php Official website]
*musicbrainz artist|id=142fd48c-1f15-4f29-9bec-51d159be3586|name=Elend

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