She of Little Faith

She of Little Faith

*The cheesy science fiction movie at the beginning of the show, referred as "The Planet from Outer Space", is a parody of Plan 9 from Outer Space.
*It is revealed that Homer's Credit Card Number is 5784 3653 4341 0709.
* Homer's "break the surly bonds of gravity and punch the face of God!" speech is a parody of Ronald Reagan's speech following the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster in 1986, which quotes from the poem "High Flight" by John Gillespie Magee, Jr.
*The opening plot with the rockets is a spoof of the bio-pic "October Sky". Some sections also reference Apollo 13 and The Right Stuff.
*This episode satirizes the phenomenon of megachurches.
*When Reverend Lovejoy is done with his sermon, he says that the Noid has some things he'd like to say, and the Noid in question walks up to the podium.
*What Lisa was chanting while ignoring her mother was Om mani padme hum, a mantra popularly associated with Tibetan Buddhism.
* Lisa being broadcast with the "Pouting Thomas" message under her on the Jumbotron is a reference to the 1970s episodes of "Saturday Night Live" where the camera would focus on an audience member and a risque or bizarre message would be superimposed on the shot of the person before the show cut to a commercial break.
*The Buddhist temple's main figure is not actually the historical Buddha himself, but rather a Western misinterpretation of him; the familiar obese laughing figure is actually the Chinese interpretation of the bodhisattva Maitreya, Budai, who has come to be a representative of the Buddha in some episodes.
*When trying to decide how to get funds to rebuild the church, Marge suggests that they write to David Bowie.
*Bart's chalkboard gag was probably a subtle reference to his limited-edition breakfast cereal released in 2001, "Bart Simpson Peanut Butter Chocolate Crunch Cereal" by Kellogg's.
*On the God-Cam, Lisa is captioned with the words "Pouting Thomas", a play on the phrase Doubting Thomas.
*When Ned hears Lisa announce that she is a Buddhist, he exclaims, "My Satan sense is tingling!". This is a spoof of Spider-Man's catchphrase, "My Spider-sense is tingling!".


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*snpp capsule|DABF02

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