

Pagode is a Brazilian style of music which originated in the Rio de Janeiro region as a subgenre of Samba. Pagode originally meant a celebration with lots of food, music and dance. In 1978 Beth Carvalho was introduced to this music, liked it and recorded tracks by Zeca Pagodinho and others. Apparently, as time has gone by, the term 'Pagode' has been degraded by many commercial groups who have played a version of the music full of clichés, and there is now a sense in which the term Pagode means very commercial pop, a negative term (see Pagode Romântico) [ [ Samba carioca torna-se patrimônio histórico] pt] .

Original Pagode developed in the start of the 1980s, with the advent of Grupo Fundo de Quintal and the introduction of three new instruments in the classical samba formation. Pagode lyricism also represented a kind of evolution towards the tradition of malicious and ironic samba lyrics, with a much heavier use of slang and underground terms ("gírias").

The banjo, whose introduction is mostly credited to Almir Guineto, is a banjo cavaquinho. The banjo has a different and louder sound than the cavaquinho; that loudness is an advantage in an acoustic roda de samba where there are lots of percussion instruments and people singing along. The banjo is one of the most characteristic instruments of the pagode sound.

The tan-tan, whose introduction is credited to Sereno, is a more dynamic type of surdo, used to keep the main beat of the samba, the `heart of the samba', and played with the hands.

The repique de mão, whose introduction is credited to Ubirany, is a percussive instrument used specially for rhythmic turnarounds.

Musicians and groups

*Alcione Nazaré
*Clara Nunes
*Beth Carvalho
*De Pé no Chão
*Fundo de Quintal
*Jorge Aragão
*Jovelina Pérola Negra
*Luiz Carlos da Vila
*Almir Guineto
*Zeca Pagodinho
*Elaine Machado
*Mauro Diniz
*Pedrinho da Flor
*Bezerra da Silva
*Grupo Revelação

Pagode Romântico / Neopagode

*Raça Negra
*Negritude Junior
*Só Pra Contrariar
*Os Travessos
*Cravo e Canela
*Ginga Pura
*Razão Brasileira
*Soweto (band)
*Os Morenos
*Ki Loucura
*Arte Popular different from Art. Popular
*Só No Sapatinho
*Toke Divinal
*Terra Samba


External links

* [ Pagode: Samba made in the backyard]
* [ Samba Pagode history]

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