

Eumedes was a name attributed to seven individuals in Greek mythology.

*Eumedes (also Eumeles) was a famous herald among the Trojans. He was the father of Dolon and of five daughters. [Homer. "Iliad", [ 10.313] .]

*Eumedes, son of Hippocoon, king of Sparta His tomb was located in the city. [Pausanias. "Description of Greece", [ 3.14.6] .]

*Eumedes, priest of Athena. When the Heracleidae invaded, Eumedes was suspected of wishing to betray the Palladium to them. Being afraid, he took the Palladium and took it to be hill called Creion. [Callimachus. "Hymns", V. On the Bath of [ On the Baths of Pallas] .]

*Eumedes, son of Heracles and Lyse, daughter of Thespius and Megamede. [Apollodorus. "The Library", [ 2.7.8] .]

*Eumedes, son of Melas. He, along with his brothers, were killed for plotting against Oeneus. [Apollodorus. "The Library", [ 1.8.5] .]

*Eumedes, son of Dolon and a companion of Aeneas. He was killed by Turnus. [Virgil. "The Aeneid", 12.346.]

*Eumedes, father of Acallaris. She married Tros. [Dionysius of Halicarnassus. "Roman Antiquities", [*.html 1.62] .]


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