Ronald Plasterk

Ronald Plasterk

Infobox Politician
name = Ronald Plasterk

caption =

office = Minister of Education, Culture and Science
term_start = February 22, 2007
term_end = present
predecessor = Maria van der Hoeven
successor = "Incumbent"
constituency =
majority =
office2 =
term_start2 =
term_end2 =
predecessor2 =
successor2 =
constituency2 =
majority2 =
office3 =
term_start3 =
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predecessor3 =
successor3 =
constituency3 =
majority3 =
birth_date = Birth date and age|1957|4|12|mf=y
birth_place = The Hague, Netherlands
death_date =
death_place =
party = Labour Party (PvdA)
relations =
spouse =
civil partner =
children =
residence = Bussum
occupation =
religion = None (atheist)

website =
footnotes =

Ronald Hans Anton Plasterk (born on April 12, 1957 in The Hague) is a Dutch biologist, columnist, and politician. Plasterk is a highly citedcite journal
last = Abbott
first = Alison
authorlink = Alison Abbott
coauthors =
title = Q&A: Ronald Plasterk
journal = Nature
volume = 446
issue = 7
pages =
publisher = Nature Publishing Group
location = United Kingdom
date = 1 March 2007
url =
doi = 10.1038/446007a
id =
accessdate = 2008-05-25
] and prize-winning molecular geneticist. Since 1995 he has also been a columnist for several national publications. Since 2007 he is the Minister of Education, Culture and Science in the fourth Balkenende cabinet for the Labour Party.

cientific career

Plasterk attended the Sint Janscollege in The Hague, where he graduated in 1975, specializing in sciences.cite web
title = R.H.A. Plasterk
work =
publisher = Leiden University
url =
] After graduation he studied biology at the Leiden University and economics at the University of Amsterdam. During this period he wrote for the student newspaper.cite web
last = Schaps
first = Karolin
authorlink = Karolin Schaps
title = Ronald Plasterk, DNA dissenter
work =
date =
url =
format =
doi =
accessdate = 2008-05-25
] In 1981 he obtained cum laude the Dutch doctorandus degree in biology (roughly equivalent to a Master of Science degree). He also graduated for his propedeuse in economics in the same year. Between 1981 and 1984 he worked a PhD-student at Leiden University. In 1984 he was awarded a doctorate in Mathematics and the Natural Sciences at Leiden University for his thesis "Inversion of the G segment of bacteriophage Mu: analysis of a genetic switch". His study focused on transposon sequences in DNA. As a PhD-student Plasterk also was a member of the Leiden city council for the Labour Party.

Between 1985 and 1986 he worked as post-doc at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. Here he studied the transposon sequences in DNA in the parasite "Borrelia hermsii". Between 1986 and 1987 he was a post-doc at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge,cite web|author=|url= |title=Ronald Plasterk|publisher=PvdA|date=February 20, 2007] cite web
title = CV Ronald Plasterk
work =
publisher = Ministry of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations
date = 22 February 2007
url =
accessdate = 2008-05-25
] where he worked with John E. Sulston. He studied "Caenorhabditis elegans", a nematode that is used as a model organism.cite web
title = Ronald H.A. Plasterk
work =
publisher =
date =
url =
accessdate = 2008-05-25

In 1987 he returned to the Netherlands where he became group leader and member of the board of the Netherlands Cancer Institute in Amsterdam. In 1989 he became director of the research school of oncology at the institute, where he remained until 2000. Between 1993 and 1997 he occupied the endowed chair in molecular microbiology at the Free University of Amsterdam. Between 1997 and 2000 he was professor of molecular genetics at the University of Amsterdam. In February 2000 he became director of the Netherlands Institute for Developmental Biology, also known as the Hubrecht Laboratory, an institute of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). He combined this with a position as professor in developmental genetics at Utrecht University from May 2000. He retained these positions until February 2007.

Since 2001 Plasterk has been a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. Before entering politics he also was a member of the Health Council, which advises the Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport, a member of the board of the Wellcome Trust, member of the Committee on Biotechnology and Animals and of the European Molecular Biology Organization.

Plasterk's research was in the area of genetics and functional genomics. He focused on the mechanism and regulation of DNA transposition, and on the mechanisms of RNA interference and microRNAs, including the functions of RNAi as a natural defense against the uncontrolled duplication of transposons.cite journal |author=Vogel G|title=RONALD PLASTERK PROFILE: TV Fame and RNA Glory|journal=Science |volume=301|issue=5638|pages=1311–1312|year=2003|pmid=|doi=10.1126/science.301.5638.1311] cite journal |author=Plasterk RHA|title=RNA Silencing: The Genome's Immune System |journal=Science |volume=296|issue=5571|pages=1263–1265|year=2002|pmid=|doi=10.1126/science.1072148]


Plasterk started as a columnist in the Intermediair, a weekly magazine oriented at young professionals and academics, in 1995. In the early years he mainly wrote on the political and ethical aspects of genetic research. In 1999 he switched from his column in the Intermediair to a weekly column in the Volkskrant, a leading centre left quality newspaper and a two-weekly spoken column in Buitenhof, a political talkshow produced by the VPRO, the NPS and the VARA. He continued these columns until 2007 when he became minister. In 2000 several of his columns were bundled in the book "Leven uit het Lab" ("Life from the Lab")

Plasterk wrote on a wide range of subjects: he is an outspoken atheist. [ cite web |url = | title = "Er is geen verband tussen altruïsme en God" - Interview met Plasterk | publisher = Persbericht De Groene Amsterdammer| year = 22 january 2001] . In 1997 he coined the term ietsisme ("somethingism") to refer to the religious belief that the Christian God does not exist, but that there is some greater force that created the universe and governs it. [ cite web |url = | title = Ronald Plasterk: ietsisme | publisher = Genootschap Onze Taal| year = 14 februari 2007] . This position is roughly equivalent to 18th century Deism. He first strongly criticized the belief on intellectual grounds, calling it a "poor and irritating phenomena", but later claimed that it was a mix of atheism and nostalgia, and much more sympathetic "than the idea of a cruel God that wants this misery"nl cite web|author=Algemeen Nederlands Persbureau|url=|title=|publisher=NOVA|date=February 14, 2005]

In his columns in de Volkskrant and Buitenhof, he also fiercely opposed the proposal of Maria van der Hoeven, who preceded him as minister of Education, to teach of intelligent design in high schools. [nl cite web|author=Ronald Plasterk|url=|title=Column: Kerk en Staat|publisher=Buitenhof|date=May 8, 2005]

Furthermore in the referendum on the European constitution, he positioned himself as an outspoken critic of the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe. [cite web|url=|title=WBS-debat: meerderheid stemt vóór Grondwet|publisher=Wiardi Beckman Stichting|date=May 15, 2005] He opposed the constitution because he considered that it did not clearly codify the responsibilities of the European Union. He also felt that it laid too much emphasis on the free market.

Political career

Plasterk was a member of the Leiden city council for the Labour Party in the early 1980s. Since 1995 he has been a political columnist for several national publications and a commentator on TV. In the mid-2000s he assumed several more active posts in national politics.

In 2006 he was member of the committee which wrote the election manifesto for the Labour Party in the 2006 elections, which was led by Paul Depla. He also served as an advisor of the national convention, a think tank of the Dutch government on government reform.

On February 22 2007 he was appointed minister of Education, Culture and Science in the fourth Balkenende cabinet for the Labour Party. Because of this appointment Plasterk has ended his scientific career, because he considers it is impossible to leave research for several years and then hope to reintegrate. Wouter Bos, leader of the Labour Party, sees Plasterk as (social and cultural) libertarian, which balances out the (social and cultural) conservativism of the Labour Party's coalition partners Christian Democratic Appeal and the Christian Union.

As minister Plasterk is responsible for Higher Education and Scientific Education, for Research, Culture and Media, Women's Emancipation and of the LBGT, and for policy on the unemployed in the Education sector. [cite web|url=|title=Minister Ronald Plasterk|publisher=Ministry of Education, Culture and Sciences] As such he is vice chair of the national Innovation Platform and member of the task force Women on Top.

A key issue during Plasterk's period as minister was the salary of teachers. When there was no room in the national budget to increase the salaries of teachers as advised by a committee led by Alexander Rinnooy Kan, Plasterk was forced to search money from within the budget of his own ministry. Kan made his advise public just days after the Miljoenennota (the national budget) was published. One of the solutions Plasterk considered was cutting the allowance for students and raising the fees for universities. [cite web|url=|title=Collegegeld hoger, basisbeurs blijft|publisher=NOS] Plasterk was strongly criticized by the students unions for his proposals and by his coalition partners CDA and CU and the leftwing opposition parties SP and GroenLinks. In the end he and Wouter Bos, the minister of Finance, were able to find sufficient money for a marked increase in the salaries of teachers. Under the pressure of strikes by teachers, [cite web|url=|title=Leraren opnieuw in actie |date=9 april 2008|] Plasterk came to a deal with the teachers´ union in April 2008. [cite news
title = Akkoord over hoger salaris leraren
work = De Volkskrant
date = 16 April 2008
url =
format =
doi =
accessdate =

Personal life

Plasterk is married and has two children. He lives in Bussum. Plasterk is a member of the Royal Christian Oratory Association "Excelsior" in Amsterdam, where he sings as a tenor. He participates in the yearly recital of the Mattheus Passion of Johan Sebastian Bach of Excelsior. [Citation
title = Plasterk gaat op in Matthäus Passion
newspaper = Algemeen Dagblad
pages =
year = 2007
date = April 3
url =
] He also plays the guitar. His other hobbies include literature, painting and photography

In the summer of 2008 he appeared in Zomergasten an evening long in depth television interview of the VPRO.


* 2005: Prix Louis D of the Institut de France
* 2002: Award for Communication in the Life Sciences of European Molecular Biology Organization
* 1999: Spinoza prize of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research


elected scientific publications by Plasterk

*Ketting, R.F., Fischer, S.E.J., Bernstein, E., Sijen, T., Hannon, G.J., Plasterk R.H.A. (2001). Dicer functions in RNA interference and in synthesis of small RNA involved in developmental timing in C. elegans. Genes & Development 15: 2654-2659.
*Sijen, T., Fleenor, J., Simmer, F., Thijssen, K.L., Parrish, S., Timmons, L., Plasterk, R.H.A., Fire, A. (2001). On the role of RNA amplification in dsRNA-triggered gene silencing. Cell 107: 465-476.
*Tijsterman, M., Ketting, R.F., Okihara, K. L., Sijen, T., Plasterk, R. H. A. (2002) Short antisense RNAs can trigger gene silencing in C. elegans, depending on the RNA helicase MUT-14. Science 25;295 (5555): 694-697
*Wienholds, E., Schulte-Merker, S., Walderich, B., Plasterk, R.H.A. (2002) Target-selected inactivation of the zebrafish rag1 gene. Science 297 (July 5): 99-102.
*Wienholds, E., Koudijs, M.J., Van Eeden, F.J.M., Cuppen, E., Plasterk, R.H.A. (2003) The microRNA-producing enzyme Dicer 1 is essential for zebrafish development. Nature Genetics 35: 217-218.
*Sijen, T., Plasterk, R.H.A. (2003) Transposon silencing in the Caenorhabditis elegans germ line by natural RNAi. Nature 426: 310-314.
*Berezikov, E., Guryev, V., van de Belt, J., Wienholds, E., Plasterk, R.H.A., Cuppen, E. (2005) Phylogenetic shadowing and computational identification of human microRNA genes. Cell 120: 21-24.
*Robert, V.J.P., Sijen, T., van Wolfswinkel, J., Plasterk, R.H.A. (2005) Chromatin and RNAi factors protect the C. elegans germline against repetitive sequences. Genes Dev. 19: 782-787.
*Sijen T., Steiner F.A., Thijssen K.L., Plasterk R.H.A. (2007) Secondary siRNAs result from unprimed RNA synthesis and form a distinct class. Science. 2007 Jan 12;315(5809):244-7.

Popular scientific publications by Plasterk

* "Wormen en waarden" (1993)
* "Techniek van het leven: de betekenis van biotechnologie voor mens en samenleving" (2000)
* "Leven uit het lab" (2002)


External links

* [ Biographical overview]
*nl [ CV on]
* [ profile] on
* [ Publications] on Google Scholar
* [ Columns van Ronald Plasterk 2004/2005 op]

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