Bent Skovmand

Bent Skovmand

Sir Bent Skovmand (January 25 1945— February 6 2007) was a Danish plant scientist and conservationist. "Time Magazine" wrote in 1991 that Skovmand, "'while not exactly a household name,' had had 'more to do with the welfare of the world's five billion people than many heads of state.'"Douglas Martin, [ "Bent Skovmand, Seed Protector, Dies at 62"] , "New York Times", February 14, 2007]

Skovmand was born in Frederiksberg, Denmark. After serving in the Danish Army, Skovmand attended the University of Minnesota in the US as part of the Minnesota Agricultural Student Trainee international exchange program. He graduated in 1971 with a major in biological and physical sciences in agriculture, and then earned his masters in 1973 and doctorate in 1976 from Minnesota [ [ Biography, University of Minnesota Plant Pathology Alumni magazine, 2003] ]

After completing his doctorate, he joined the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center in El Batán, Mexico, where he studied older seed strains and genetic variation among widespread strains. He also worked with governments and farmers across the world to increase the use of the advanced crops being developed [ [ Crop Science Society of America awards 2003] ] .

He was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Order of the Dannebrog in 2003.

Continuing his work on preserving the genetic diversity among wheats, barleys, and oats, he was appointed the director of the Nordic Gene Bank, based in Alnarp, Sweden, in 2003, and founded the Svalbard International Seed Vault. The Seed Vault, also called the "Doomsday Vault", is supported by the Global Crop Diversity Trust and aims to preserve "the raw material of agriculture" to make it available for breeding and research even in the advent of disaster, war, or climate change. The Vault is scheduled to open in late 2008.

Skovmand was opposed to patenting individual genes, describing it as "like copyrighting each and every word in "Hamlet", and saying no one can use any word used in Hamlet without paying the author".Anthony DePalma, [ "Texcoco Journal; The 'Slippery Slope' of Patenting Farmers' Crops"] , "New York Times", May 24, 2000] He routinely released his catalogs of agricultural information on CDs, which he gave away for free, never attempting to patent the work. In his work with the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center, Skovmand set up collaborations with for-profit companies to develop improved strains of agricultural staples, with the proviso that patents not be used in developing nations.

Skovmand was married to Eugenia, with whom he had four children. Skovmand fell ill in January 2007, [ [ Nordic Gene Bank news archive] ] and died February 6, 2007, at age 62 in Kavlinge, Sweden, from complications from a malignant brain tumour. [ [;_ylt=AmOUXj4P95oQM5goceJHMeFvieAA AP obituary] ]


Eugenia and Bent had only two children, but Bent had children from a previous marriage.


* Martin, Douglas (2007) [ Bent Skovmand, Seed Protector, Dies at 61] , "New York Times", February 14, 2007.

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