

Dictys was a name attributed to four men in Greek mythology.

  • Dictys was a fisherman and brother of King Polydectes of Seriphos, both being the sons of Magnes by a naiad. He discovered Danaë and Perseus inside a chest that had washed up on shore. He immediately fell in love with Danae and wanted to marry her, but Danae didn't want to marry him. He treated them well and raised Perseus as his own son. After Perseus killed Medusa, rescued Andromeda, and later showed Medusa's head to Polydectes turning him and the nobles with him to stone, he made Dictys king.
  • Dictys, one of the sailors who tried to abduct Dionysus but was turned into a dolphin by the god.[1]
  • Dictys, a centaur who attended Pirithous' weddings and battled with the Lapiths. Fleeing Pirithous, he slipped and fell off a cliff impaling himself on the top of an ash tree killing himself.[2]


  1. ^ Hyginus. Fabulae, 134.
  2. ^ Ovid. Metamorphoses, 12.327.
  3. ^ Hyginus. Fabulae, 157.

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