

Agamede (Greek: polytonic|Ἀγαμήδη) was a name attributed to two separate women in classical Greek mythology and history:

*Agamede (c. 12th century BC) was, according to Homer, a Greek physician acquainted with the heal­ing powers of all the plants that grow upon the earth. [Homer. "Iliad", xi. 739.] She was born in Elis, the eldest daughter of Augeas, King of the Epeans, [cite book
last =Ogilvie
first =Marilyn
authorlink =
coauthors =Joy Harvey
title =The Biographical Dictionary of Women in Science: Pioneering Lives from Ancient Times to Mid-20th Century
publisher =Routledge
date =2000
location =
pages =12
url =
doi =
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isbn = 0-415-92040-X
] and was married to Mulius, the first man killed in battle by Nestor during a war between Elis and Pylos.Citation
last = Schmitz
first = Leonhard
author-link =
contribution = Agamede (1) and (2)
editor-last = Smith
editor-first = William
title = Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology
volume = 1
pages = 57
publisher =
place = Boston
year = 1870
contribution-url =
] Hyginus makes her the mother of Belus, Actor, and Dictys, by Poseidon. [Hyginus. "Fabulae", 157.] She was called Perimede by both Propertius and Theocritus. [Propertius. "Elegies", 2.4.] [Theocritus. "Idylls", 2.16.] By the Hellenistic period (c. 4th to 1st centuries BC), Agamede had become a sorceress-figure, much like Circe or Medea. [cite book
last =Dickie
first =Matthew
authorlink =
coauthors =
title =Magic and Magicians in the Greco-Roman World
publisher =Routledge
date =2004
location =
pages =23
url =
doi =
id =
isbn = 0-415-31129-2

*Agamede was a daughter of Macaria, from whom Agamede, a place in Lesbos, was believed to have derived its name. [Stephanus of Byzantium, "s.v. polytonic|Ἀγαμήδη".] The town had already disappeared in Pliny's day. [Pliny the Elder, "Naturalis Historia" V. xxix] [cite book
last =Cramer
first =John Anthony
authorlink =
coauthors =
title =A Geographical and Historical Description of Asia Minor
publisher =The University Press
date =1832
location =
pages =163
url =
doi =
id =
isbn =




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