
Agrostis capillaris
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Monocots
(unranked): Commelinids
Order: Poales
Family: Poaceae
Genus: Agrostis

See text.

Agrostis (bent or bentgrass) is a genus of over 100 species belonging to the grass family Poaceae[1], commonly referred to as the bent grasses. Among this group are some of the main traditional lawn grasses.


Selected species


Some species of bents are commonly used for lawn grass. This is a desirable grass for golf course tees, fairways and greens.

Bentgrass is used in turf applications for its numerous advantages: it can be mowed to a very short length without damage, it can handle a great amount of foot traffic, it has a shallow root system that is thick and dense allowing it to be seeded and grow rather easily, and it has a pleasing, deep green appearance. The name "bent" refers to the shallow roots, which bend just below the surface of the soil to propagate laterally.

Creeping Bent

(Agrostis stolonifera) is the most commonly used species of Agrostis. Historically, it was often called Orcheston long grass, after a village on Salisbury Plain. It is cultivated almost exclusively on golf courses, especially on putting greens. Creeping Bent aggressively produces horizontal stems, called stolons, that run along the soil's surface. These allow Creeping Bent to form dense stands under conducive conditions and outcompete bunch-type grass and broadleaf weeds. As such, if infested in a home lawn, it can become a troublesome weed problem. The leaves of the bentgrass are long and slender.

Common Bent

(Agrostis capillaris) was brought to America from Europe. This was the type of grass that was used on the lawns of most estates. It is the tallest of the bents with very fine texture and like most bent grasses grows very dense. Although this species has been used on golf courses and sporting fields it is better suited for lawns. Colonial Bent is fairly easy to grow from seeds and fertilization of the lawn is not as intense. This grass also takes longer to establish than Creeping Bent. However it does not require the intense maintenance.

Velvet Bent

(Agrostis canina) gets it name for the velvet appearance that this grass produces. It has the finest texture of all the bent grasses. This grass was used in Europe for estate lawns and golf courses because it could be cut so short. This bent grass requires more upkeep and maintenance than Creeping Bent and because of this has been overlooked as a practical turf for current golf courses. This species also has a lighter color than the two previous species.

Butterfly foodplant

Butterflies whose caterpillars feed on Agrostis include:

See also


External links

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  • Agrostis — Género de plantas de la familia de las Poaceas que consta de más de 100 especies de hierbas, la mayoría perennes. Algunas de ellas se utilizan para praderas de césped. Las flores aparecen en panículos sueltos; cada una de las pequeñas espiguillas …   Enciclopedia Universal

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