Sein Win

Sein Win

Infobox Person
name = Dr. Sein Win
nationality = Bamar

caption =
order = Prime Minister of the NCGUB
term_start = 1990
term_end =
vicepresident =
deputy = U Khun Marko Ban
predecessor =
successor = Incumbent
birth_date = birth date and age|1944|12|16
birth_place = Taung Twin Gyi
death_date =
death_place =
constituency =
party = National Coalition Government of the Union of Burma
profession =
religion =

footnotes =|
Dr. Sein Win is Chairman of National Coalition Government of the Union of Burma. And they made him Unofficial Prime Minister of the Union of Burma, elected by the 1990 People's Assembly known as the National Coalition Government of the Union of Burmaa government-in-exile since 1990.


Sein Win was born on the 16th of December 1944 in Taungdwingyi, Burma, son of U Ba Win and Daw Khin Saw. His father is the elder brother of General Aung San and was part of the cabinet of Aung San. Ba Win was assassinated in 1947, together with Aung San and most members of the cabinet, just before Burma gained independence. Sein Win received his BSc.(Math) from University of Rangoon in 1965. He received the Dipl. Math in 1974 and a Dr. rer. nat. in 1979 from Hamburg University in Germany. He served as a lecturer at Colombo University in Sri Lanka from 1980 to 1981 and at Nairobi University in Kenya from 1982 to 1984.


The Union of Myanmar is a military regime. Elected delegates in the 1990 People's Assembly election formed the National Coalition Government of the Union of Burma (NCGUB), a government-in-exile since December 1990, with the mission of restoring democracy in Burma. [cite web|url= |title= The Birth Of The NCGUB |accessdate=2006-07-19 |publisher=National Coalition Government of the Union of Burma] Dr. Sein Win, a first cousin of Aung San Suu Kyi, is the NCGUB's prime minister since its inception. The NCGUB has been outlawed by the military junta. The current de-facto Head of State is Senior General Than Shwe, who holds the posts of "Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council" and "Commander in Chief of the Defence Services". General Khin Nyunt was de-facto prime minister until 19 October 2004, during which he was replaced by General Soe Win, after the purge of Military Intelligence sections within Myanmar Armed Forces.

US and European government sanctions against the military regime, combined with consumer boycotts and shareholder pressure organized by Free Burma activists, have succeeded in forcing most western corporations to withdraw from Burma until they restore the NCGUB.Fact|date=February 2007


* [ Recordings] and [ Photos] of the Prime Minister's visit to the College Historical Society on behalf of his cousin Aung San Suu Kyi in October 2007.

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