Philippine Frogmouth

Philippine Frogmouth

name = Philippine Frogmouth

status = LC | status_system = IUCN3.1
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Aves
ordo = Caprimulgiformes
familia = Podargidae
genus = "Batrachostomus"
species = "B. septimus"
binomial = "Batrachostomus septimus"
binomial_authority = Tweeddale, 1877

The Philippine Frogmouth "Batrachostomus septimus" is a nocturnal bird that is found throughout the Philippine archipelago. It is common in lowland forests and maturing second growth. Little information is known about the bird since it is active only at night and does not make any calls or songs. It feeds on grasshoppers, cicadas, crickets and beetles.


The nest is built from a horizontal branch that is placed two to five meters above ground. It is made from the parent's own downy feathers which is held in place using spider silk, moss and lichens. The female lays one egg per season. The male incubates the egg during the day and the female at night.


* [ Philippine Frogmouth]
* [ UCN Red List of Threatened Species: Batrachostomus septimus]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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