Autumn Tokyo Tournament

Autumn Tokyo Tournament

The Autumn Tokyo Tournament is a fictional event depicted in the Eyeshield 21 manga series.

When the Deimon Devil Bats were about to begin their Death March training, the team match up was already established on the Internet. After Deimon High School started their second semester, Kumabukuro, a well-known reporter, wrote some comments in a magazine and ranking about the teams in Volume 11.

There are a total of 36 Teams in line. To win the tournament, most teams have to go through 4 matches. However eight teams have to go through 5 matches - these are: Chuodai Panthers, Hori-Hori Fantasy Monsters, Deimon Devil Bats, Amino Cyborg, Nansei Hawks, Bando Spiders, Raten Matadors and Kyokodai Muscle Bomber. The teams were divided into Group A and Group B. The top three teams of this tournament will be able to play in the Kantou Tournament.

Here are the team match-ups for the Autumn Tokyo Tournament. (Note that they're lined up in order and are Japanese Team names.)

Group A

Ginga Rockets

*Logo: Rocket (Crazy Booster)
*Kumabukuro's comment: They were inspired this season to change their name after seeing NASA High School on TV. How are will they get with their brand new "shuttle pass"?
*Lost to Hori-Hori Fantasy Monsters Team in their first match.
*Rank D

Chuodai Panthers

*Logo: Panther (Black)
*Kumabukuro's comment: They idolize Panther after seeing him on TV...not! Actually, this team has been around for 20 years, and their first game will likely be a breakthrough one!
*Their dreams were crushed when Hori-Hori Fantasy Monsters defeated them in their first match.
*Rank D

Hori-Hori Fantasy Monsters

*Logo: Cyclops (Demon Boy)
*Kumabukuro's comment: They're strong overall but will they be able to handle the peculiar strengths of the opposing teams?
*Lost to Edomae Fishers in their third match.
*Rank C

Edomae Fishers

*Logo: Fish (Sharinosuke)
*Kumabukuro's comment: They've improved a lot since spring and are already going after Seibu. They'll have to make sure they neutralize Tetsuma. Can they demolish the golden duo?
*Managed to reach the top 8 but were defeated by Seibu Wild Gunman.
*Rank A

Waseda Killers

*Logo: Robed Assassin (Assassin)
*Kumabukuro's comment: Their offensive strength comes from running. They'd be a better team, though, if they were better at passing.
*Lost at their first match against Edomae Fishers.
*Rank D.

Koigahama Cupids

*Logo: Cupid (Angelheart)
*Kumabukuro comment: Is quarterback Hatsujo the one to watch, since he can do everything, including kick? Their first opponent seems a bit too much for them...
*Surrendered before the end of their first match, when they were losing 10-125 against the Seibu Wild Gunmen. The Gunmen's coach demanded for them to continue since he had declared to beat the opponent by 200 points, after hearing about the White Knights and Devil Bats' overwhelming victories.
*Rank D

eibu Wild Gunmen

*Logo: Cactus Cowboy (Sabottena)
*Kumabukuro's comment: Their high-speed shotgun pass, a cause of fear in the spring, has been further refined. They are the season's most destructive force!
*Their coach has a habit of firing guns anywhere; he even firing them in his class(He's an english teacher)!
*Falls second place to the White Knights due to Tetsuma's penalty, and Riku's inability to bypass Shin with the Rodeo Drive.
*Rank S

Tamagawa Blue Sharks

*Logo: Shark (Zujo)
*Kumabukuro's comment: The team is made up of average players and could therefore use really strong players.
*Lost to Uraharajuku Boarders in their first match.
*Rank D

Uraharajuku Boarders

*Logo: Skateboarder (Chekera)
*Kumabukuro's comment: Each player has solid skills, but they might need more practice. How far will they go, relying on noseguard Gairo?
*Lost to Seibu Wild Gunman in their second match (107-16)
*Main opponents in the first ES21 OVA "The Golden Bowl Illusion".
*Rank C

TsukuFu Super Eagles

*Logo: Eagle (Tondor)
*Kumabukuro's comment: They base their strategy on fast plays (running and passing) and develop in center field. This means they're weak on the sides.
*Lost to Zokugaku Chameleons in their first match.
*Rank D

Zokugaku Chameleons

*Logo: Chameleon (Berorin)
*Kumabukuro's comment: Being able to adapt their strategy to their opponents' will be a plus in the tournament, but right now its not working. We're counting on Rui Hashibana's special training.
*After an easy win against TsukuFu in their first game, the Chameleons believed in their adaptability to reach victory. However, the team found themselves completely outclassed by the height and power of Kyoushin in the second match, to the point where nearly everyone except captain Haibashira gave up on the game. With Zokugaku's will broken, Kyoushin squashed the Chameleons out of the tournament.
*Rank C

Kyoshin Poseidon

*Logo: God of the sea, Poseidon (Seaman)
*Kumabukuro's comment: The players all have slight builds, despite their team's name. They're hurting because one of their bigger players is on the bench.
*Surprisingly, this team managed to defeat the strong Hashiratani Deer in their first match by gaining 31 points without letting Hashintari Deer score after sending out their team's secret weapon. Defeats Zokuto Gakuen Chameleon in their second match by the score of (42-0) and lost to Deimon Devil Bats by one point (23-Poseidon,24-Devil Bats)
*Rank B

Hashiratani Deers

*Logo: Deer (Binba)
*Kumabukuro's comment: A strong veteran team. They make the most of their small size, using their speed to disarm opponents. Playing opponents of the same size, they are still superior.
*After appearing to crush the Kyoshin Posideons in the first half, Hashiratani could not score any more points after two of its taller secret weapons, Shun and Mizumachi, took the field. Their 14-0 lead evaporated into a 31-14 loss.
*One of the most famous and popular linemen, Onihei, is on this team. Kurita, among others, respects him very much; Onihei is known for his ability to block effectively despite not being a particularly large person.
*Rank A

Dokubari Scorpions

*Logo: Scorpion (Stinger)
*Kumabukuro's comment: Their speed and power leave something to be desired, but for some reason they have a very good record. Could it be from researching the other teams?
*Lost to Deimon Devil Bats in their second match, (14-42). Their team captain specializes in reading the habits of his opponents, thereby figuring out their play strategies, but he fell to his own strategy; Hiruma eventually used this tactic against him.
*Rank C

Jujika Priest

*Logo: Priest (Xavier)
*Kumabukuro's comment: They won the Fair Play Award in the spring season. Despite their modest abilities, they're a gentleman's team worth rooting for.
*Lost their first match against Dokupari Scorpion due to their plays already being read by Kanagushi.
*Rank D

Deimon Devil Bats

*Logo: Devil Bat (Devil Bat)
*Kumabukuro's comment: When they're on a roll, they have offensive power approaching NASA high school's, but they are erratic. The tournament's dark horse.
*Lost to Seibu Wild Gunmans but managed to get third place by defeating Bando Spiders. Defeated the Shinrynuu Nagas, the Ojo White Knights and the Hakashuu Dinosaurs to win the Kantou Tournament.
*Rank D

Amino Cyborg

*Logo: Cyborg (IQ)
*Kumabukuro's comment: Each year Amino takes the season by storm in a different sport. Will they dominate the football world with their medical knowledge?
*Lost to Deimon Devil Bats in their first match (8-38, 14-36 in the anime). Their team members have a strong belief in medical science being the key to victory. However, they lack stamina and training Deimon went through.
*Rank B

Yuuhi Guts

*Logo: A sunset that looks like a head with burning eyes (Grit)
*Kumabukuro's comment: All of Yuhi's sports teams are highly regarded, except for their terrible football team. But the athlete's enthusiasm is refreshing.
*Due to this fact, every athlete joins the other sports clubs and leaves the American Football team with less players. This also results in little to no club funds, and poor performances, however, the members are determined and they train hard. With only 10 members, next to Deimon, they have the least players on the team.
*Hiruma said the Yuuhi Guts had a 1% chance of beating Deimon, with their sport club line-up, Hiruma said they had 0% chance of winning.
*Lost against Deimon Devil Bats in their first match (6-56). However, an important note is that their coach used aces from the other sports teams, while benching nearly all of the regular members, due to pressure from the higher-ups. When it was apparent that they couldn't win against Deimon, he let the regulars play and they did manage a touchdown.
*Rank D

Group B

Hanazono Butterflies

*Logo: Butterfly (Hanako)
*Kumabukuro Comment: Their aerial game is their strength, thanks to light footwork. Their weak spot is their feeble line.
*Holding the Bando Spiders with a six-point lead, they only lose in the final forty seconds due to a touchdown and a successful extra point by Sasaki.
*Rank: C

Nanasei Hawks

*Logo: Hawk (Hawker)
*Kumabukuro Comment: This year's rookie team. They've finally grasp the rules and will enjoy competing against the other teams.
*Lost in their first match to the Bando Spiders (3-6, 6-7 in manga)
*Rank: D

Bando Spiders

*Logo: A spider with an electric guitar (Rocker Billy)
*Kumabukuro Comment: They have a capable kicker in Kotaro Sasaki, so at least they have excellent kicking, but other than that...
*Although mostly forced to rely on Sasaki's leg to get through the tournament, the Spiders make their way to the semi-final match against Oujou, which they lose (3-14). However, after being allowed to play a special playoff against Deimon, the team resurged with the return of Akaba, who was not allowed to play any of the Spider's previous matches because he had nearly defected to Teikoku. Yet in the end, Bando barely lost. (23-24)
*Rank: A

Mitama Mariners

*Logo: A sailor (Sailorman)
*Kumabukuro Comment: They are a crack team, having only 22 players on offense and defense. Will it take a team with special skills to beat them?
*Lost in their second match to the Bando Spiders
*Rank: C

Kita Eskimos

*Logo: An eskimo (similar to Iceman from the Megaman series) on a sled (Iceman)
*Kumabukuro Comment: Being from the coldest climate, they can't attract players. They don't even have ten players to form a team, so how will they compete?
*Lost in their first match to the Mitama Mariners
*Rank: D

Arito Grasshoppers

*Logo: A lazy grasshopper (Kirigiru)
*Kumabukuro Comment: They've perfected their basic offensive practice, but are clearly in need of defensive practice. Their average score is a 50-point loss.
*In their first match against the Nakaba 99'ers, their typical habits of their opponents scoring 50 points occurs, but somehow Arito still was able to get a victory, 60-56. Unfortunately their defensive weakness caught up to them as they lost, 74-6, to the Genshijin Fighters in the next game.
*Rank: D

Nakaba 99'ers

*Logo: The number "99" with eyes and wearing shoes (99er)
*Kumabukuro Comment: Having the most players (99), they're at their best when they lined up on the field. Could they overwhelm their opponents by attacking in a human wave?
*Lose in their first game to the Arito Grasshoppers
*Rank: C

Nihon Machine Guns

*Logo: A machine gun with eyes (Don Paratata)
*Kumabukuro Comment: With virtually no huddle, they reel off plays like a machine gun would--which would be fine, except they never hit their target.
*Crushed in their first game to the Genshijin Fighters
*Rank: D

Genshijin Fighters

*Logo: A hairy wildman in a loincloth (Oo-on)
*Kumabukuro Comment: They have a strong defense and offense, but their strategy needs improving.
*Lost to Bando Spiders in their third match.
*Their team captain acts like a primitive, notable for javelin throwing as well as starting a fire by merely rubbing sticks together
*Rank: A

Jonandai Giants

*Logo: A giant sitting on a mountain (Nobei)
*Kumabukuro Comment: Tall and powerful with overwhelming destructive power! They have giant...cheerleaders, but the players are of average size.
*Lost to Noroi Occults in their first match. In an extra page at the end of the chapter, it's revealed that the players only have average skill, but attempt to play and practice because they're afraid of the cheerleaders (who are actually giants).
*Rank: C

Noroi Occults

*Logo: A voodoo doll complete with a nail in its head (Straw Man)
*Kumabukuro Comment: Can they force a win by thwarting their opponents with black magic? Every day they're focused on practicing their spells. Go play football!
*Nurse Oka's son is on this team. During the Noroi-Jonandai match, she is seen in the bleachers attempting to curse the Giants so that they will lose; in fact, one of the Jonandai players does slip and fall on the field, resulting in a winning touchdown for the Occults. Oka claims her curses have worked, though others attribute this to sheer bad luck.
*Though they are able to defeat Jonandai with some black magic assistance, it isn't enough to defeat the Karibu Pirates in the next round.
*Rank: D

Oiyama Lions

*Logo: A lion (Simbaleo)
*Kumabukuro Comment: They've developed with the first years who joined two years ago. Now in their third year, they're betting everything on this tournament.
*Lose in the first round to the Karibu Pirates
*Rank: D

Karibu Pirates

*Logo: A skull wearing a pirate hat, perhaps similar to the pirate logo of Weekly Shonen Jump (Mark Jump)
*Kumabukuro Comment: Beside their rough-and-tumble nature and Spartan-like training, watch out for their incredible stamina!
*Lost to Oujou White Knights in their third match.
*Rank: C

ankaku Punks

*Logo: A freaky man with spiked hair, piercings, and a tongue sticking out (Punky)
*Kumabukuro Comment: Sister school to powerful Taiyo High School. They gave Ojo a run for their money in a deadly showdown in the spring.
*Their coach is a mathematic teacher,who is known for giving handbook... which is triangle-shaped.
*Although they played a close game against them in the spring, Sankaku fell once again to Ojou in the first round of the tournament. Despite all the team members looking very 'tough', the potentially intimidating effect of their appearance is nullified by the fact that they have to wear helmets. Mamori comments, "Did they even consider this?"
*Lost to the Ojo White Knights in their first match by a score of 82-0, thanks to the improvement of their players, especially Haruto Sakuraba, whose pass game with Takami is practically unstoppable. Shin also improved so much that his Spear Tackle is able to destroy Punks' offense, physically and mentally (the running back traumatized so much with the tackle that he refuse to touch the ball again).
*Rank: B

Ojo White Knights

*Logo: An armored knight with a lance sitting on a horse (White Knight)
*Kumabukuro Comment: Has the team become just Shin and the defense? And without their so-called "Golden Generation", could Ojo be eliminated early on?
* Their coach, Shogun,is known for his strong discipline and strictness, but "sometimes he strictly show some strictness that makes us strictly understand what he strictly intended with his strictness".
*Although seemingly weaker compared to prior generations, the Knights claimed ultimate victory in the Tokyo tournament, defeating Seibu in the final match. They also did not let their opponents score any touchdowns in the whole tournament. (As proven in the matches of Sengoku Samurais, Sankaku Punks, Karibu Pirates, and Seibu Wild Gunmen, the only time they let the other team score was against the Bando Spiders, and it was on purpose.) Their team's defense group also covered most of the best 11 of Tokyo Defense. Breezing through the first Kanto game against Sado, they faced Deimon in an "ultimate offense vs. ultimate defense" showdown, where they finally lose by a score of 42-40.
*Rank: S

Raten Matadors

*Logo: A matador with a cape (Amigo)
*Kumabukuro Comment: This is a good looking team wearing bullfighter-style uniforms. They tackle with a light touch that pack a surprising punch.
*Defeat Kyokodai in their first match, but lose to the Sengoku Samurai in the second.
*Rank: D

Kyokodai Muscle Bomber

*Logo: A bomb with arms and legs (Bomi)
*Kumabukuro Comment: Their penetration down center-field ought to be unstoppable but, well, they don't have that kind of power.
*Lost to Raten Metadors in their first match.
*Rank: D

engoku Samurais

*Logo: A samurai with sword (Nobunaga Tokugawa)
*Kumabukuro Comment: They have a solid coaching system because of their ties to influential Sengoku University. With their powerful offense, they're likely to go to the finals.
*The coach of Sengoku is a former classmate of Oujou's Gunpei (and presumably Doburoku of Deimon) and doesn't like the discipline that he forces on the White Knights (which nearly gets him chewed out by Ikari. Hr is known as Japanese History teacher, and due to his love for Sengoku period, only teaching this to his students during his class (much to his students annoyance). He also loved to say stuff like "A Warrior must not retract his word!", "If ny team die I will do seppuku!" but he didn't do it.
*Lost to Ojo White Knights in their second match.
*Rank: A

ee also

*Eyeshield 21
*Manga Summary of Eyeshield 21
*Eyeshield 21 characters

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