- Abhyankar's lemma
mathematics , Abhyankar's lemma (named afterShreeram Shankar Abhyankar ) allows one to killtame ramification by taking an extension of a base field.More precisely, Abhyankar's lemma states that if "A", "B", "C" are
local field s such that "A" and "B" arefinite extension s of "C", with ramification indices "a" and "b", and "B" is tamely ramified over "C" and "b" divides "a", then thecompositum "AB" is an unramified extension of "A".References
*Gary Cornell [http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0002-9947%28198206%29271%3A2%3C501%3AOTCORG%3E2.0.CO%3B2-T "On the Construction of Relative Genus Fields"] Theorem 3, page 504. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 271, No. 2. (Jun., 1982), pp. 501-511.
*Gold, Robert; Madan, M. L. "Some applications of Abhyankar's lemma." Math. Nachr. 82 (1978), 115-119.
*A. Grothendieck: [http://www.arxiv.org/abs/math.AG/0206203 "Séminaire de Géométrie Algébriques du Bois-Marie 1960/61."] Lecture Notes in Math. 224. Springer-Verlag 1971, [http://modular.fas.harvard.edu/sga/sga/1/1t_279.html page 279] .
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