Smalltalk MT

Smalltalk MT

Smalltalk MT is an implementation of the Smalltalk programming language created in 1994 to deal with some of the shortcomings of Smalltalk-80 style of implementations. Smalltalk MT adopts a different approach in that the Smalltalk source is compiled to machine code before being executed.

This allows the developer the freedom of working with compiled code without the need for the traditional compile-link-run cycle. This is like a specialized form of incremental or dynamic compilation.

Smalltalk MT directly interfaces to DLLs in exactly the same manner as C which allows DLL calls to be tested directly in a Workspace which allows a scripting syle of approach to accessing any DLL based code.

For example, one could write in a Workspace the following:

a := 'abc'.WINAPI _strrev: a.a inspect.

The WINAPI call directly calls the DLL function _strrev natively passing parameters from the Smalltalk environment to the C environment and back.

Smalltalk MT has a close integration with COM objects and fully compiled COM components can be created that operate in exactly the same way as C/C++ COM objects.

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